TCU EA/ED Letters Fall 2016

from Illinois, my portal still says ‘in review’

My portal changed today to “A decision letter has been mailed.” I’m hoping I receive something today, since I live less than thirty minutes from TCU.

Postman just dropped off a large purple envelope that says Congratulations. Welcome Horned Frog! Very happy for our daughter. Best of luck to all! Oh, we live in south Texas…

Congrats@TuckerTroy. We are in Illinois and the mailbox brought no news from TCU today. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

@TuckerTroy Congrats! Post stats if you are able to

Got my EA acceptance today in Memphis, TN! No scholarship information though, does anyone know when that will be released?

@brosby90, when my son was accepted 3 years ago, his scholarship info arrived on Christmas Eve.

Nothing from here in Colorado but my portal said that my decision was sent.

Admission’s twitter said that our portals won’t change until decision letters are sent. Then, they said that the last batch of letters were sent on the 14th. I’ve been checking my portal and my status hasn’t changed. Does that mean my decision letter hasn’t been sent yet? ugh.

Nothing here in Maryland yet, but my portal changed to sent this morning so I’m crossing my fingers for tomorrow. Good luck everyone!

@Krystamarie3 Congrats! Post your stats if you get a chance =D>

Houston- my son was accepted today. They wrote something nice about his essays in the acceptance which i thought was a very nice personal touch!

Nothing today for me in California, hoping for tomorrow!

Did anyone else get a happy holidays postcard, but no letter? I got excited when I saw the TCU logo :frowning:

Got my acceptance today! In Houston, TX. Depending on scholarship money, it’s going to be a tough choice between TCU & SMU. Acceptance was in a big packet that had “Congratulations” written on the outside. Apparently scholarship notification is supposed to come in about two weeks.

3.67 Weighted GPA
30 ACT (32 Superscore, TCU Superscores for admission and scholarship purposes)
Extracurriculars: Varsity Cross Country for three years, Varsity Track
Clubs: Business Club (FBLA), Ecology, Service club, couple others & a few with leadership positions
Service: 200+ hours

Any questions feel free to ask.

I got a happy holidays postcard, but no letter. I live in California though, so I will probably get my letter on Friday or Saturday…

I got a happy holidays postcard. no letter yet. I live in Plano, TX

Got accepted today! It was in my mailbox and it had a big congratulations on the bottom!
3.56 weighted GPA.
1720 SAT score.
Varsity tennis 4 years in a row.
I only participated in one club which was FCCLA and I am currently the president.
200+ volunteer hours.

Got accepted today as well!
3.88 Weighted GPA
Top 13%
28 ACT
Leadership/President of clubs etc/ lots more
300 + Community Service Hrs
Go Frogs!

31 ACT
Extracurriculars: ballet for three years
Clubs: n/a, homeschooled
Service: 300+ hours