Daughter accepted yesterday.
31 (Super score)
3.8 UW
Rigorous curriculum ( AP’s, dual credit, etc)
Varsity athlete/Team Captain
Lots of leadership, volunteer hours, etc.
Packet said that merit aid offers should go out in a few weeks. Fingers crossed…
Best of luck!
@ftrev041 What major did apply for if you don’t mind me asking?
in Illinois, just got the holiday card today…hoping for the purple envelope tomorrow!?!
in Massachusetts, I didn’t get a holiday card or my decision letter, but I received a postcard saying they got my test scores which i sent two months ago???
No decision yet here in Colorado. Getting anxious!
I live in Colorado and got my decision today, accepted
In Massachusetts too. Received no holiday card nor decision letter, and my portal remains “in review”
me too! I’m thinking we might hear either tomorrow or even saturday because it seems like everyone gets a holiday card first and then the decision letter @texasjeanbean
California: no letter yet… Hoping for tomorrow or Saturday…
In Southern California. No decision letter, no holiday card, no change in portal…application is complete and ready for review. Did however receive the scholarship and financial aid pamphlet.
A lot of us received the FA pamphlet too @smtrose ! I wish it had a postal date stamped on it! I can’t tell how long it takes anything sent from TX to get to MA.
I have the scholarship and financial aid packet but have not received anything here in Southern California, going out of town tomorrow so definitely going to have a neighbor check the mailbox for anything
If you say you intend to major in business, does everyone get into the pre business or is it limited and competitive
I’m in California and got the letter in the mail today. ACCEPTED!!!
@Antboss10 Congrats! If you have time post your stats and intended major.
Live in Colorado (Smaller town. Mail usually takes a while to get to me). My EA portal still says under review… wondering if this is a mistake. No letter and no portal update! Luckily I received the scholarship and financial aid booklet lol. Staying patient haha.
What part of california are you from Antboss?
Checked portal this morning and it is updated to “Congratulations on your Admission”! Still nothing but the postcard in the mail though, so I guess the envelope doesn’t always come first if you are in California. Good luck everyone!
In Maryland and my portal just updated this morning and I got accepted!! Good Luck everyone!!
Does anyone think they are updating portals by last name, state, etc…? What is the letter of your last names that portal has changed for?