TCU Early Admissions 2023

This son not going the ROTC route.

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They are! We have a huge amount of So Cal kids going past four years so they sort of breed themselves. Plus, They all want big football experience, greek life ect, we are republicans but my daughters friends are all very liberals. Weird I know, just trying to make sense of LOTS (like 65) kids with 4.3 and ACT 33 not getting in, with great ECs, demonstrated interest, visited ect. A lot of the ones I personally know wanted to go there and they are liberal. Who knows? But the parents and counselors are all scratching their heads and trying to figure it out bc it makes little sense.

Thats is awful, I am so sorry. Makes no sense.

Are any kids getting rejected EA or are all these kids getting deffered? Are these kids also all applying to CU Boulder? CU seems to have some of the same vibe although its bigger.

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Yes a lot apply to Boulder and a lot go and love it! Deferred no denied so far everyone I have heard of/seen.I wonder if they even do denials at this stage.

accepted and received scholarship
3.94 uw / 4.6 w ( top 12% out of 465 students)
34 ACT
4 AP’s / 8 honors / 2 dual-credit
captain of jv softball team
church-focused extra curriculars
summer job

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Does anyone know when EDII decisions will be released? (The generic answer is by March 1st, but does anyone know last when they released it last year?)

Interesting…my daughter was also deferred. Santa Clarita student. 3.95 u/w gpa, AP and Honors, 4 year Varsity athlete, Student Gov, tons of EC. I keep hearing the same thing about CA students.

Yes, it bummed me out is well with my older two, especially since we subsidize the UC’s. But, I quickly got over it and couldn’t be happier with my oldest at Clemson and my middle boy at Purdue. Next up is my '23 son who automatically resorted to looking OOS (primarily southeast and southwest) and didn’t even bother with the UC’s or Cal States. Currently deferred at TCU (Texas California University) :sweat_smile:

And now the Frogs are storming LA this weekend for the big game.

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Read an article recently that TCU admissions expects applications to jump significantly as a result of the football success. Something like going from 20,000 applications currently to 50,000. :astonished:

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I think the high stats could be an issue. We know a ton of South Bay kids who have gotten into TCU and SMU over he past few years but don’t go. They are aiming higher, and if one of those schools works out, they end up going to the higher ranked institution. It’s all about yield for schools, and if they think these kids won’t attend, why not defer and see if they show continued interest? For clarification, these are mostly Marymount, Marlborough, Chadwick, Loyola kids.

What schools are those students shooting for? BC, ND, Miami, Vandy, Etc or top tier UCs?

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Vandy, Duke, Georgetown, USC, NorthWestern, UChicago, and the Ivies. Tulane and BC were hugely popular the last few years as well. Definitely students also apply to the UC’s, mostly UCLA and Berkeley.

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My daughter was also a Chancellor invite! So exciting. Do you know if they are awarded the scholarship, do they also go into the Honors college?

I wish I knew more, but I know absolutely nothing about the process. Looking forward to the weekend! If you have any insight, please share!


My daughter’s acceptance letter included her merit based scholarship as well. Hope this helps.

I certainly will. Thanks!

Son accepted OOS (not CA), test optional, 3.9 UW, multiple varsity sports, volunteering, job. Awarded TCU scholarship.


Can the merit scholarship change if DD’s GPA improved enough by graduation to bump her to the next scholarship level?