TCU Early Admissions 2023

Great question…would love the answer too.

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Congrats. Did he just receive the acceptance this week or was this awhile ago? Also, what round (ED, EA, deferred, etc.)?

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He applied EA and received his acceptance in mid December I believe. He also received a small scholarship.

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The Honors college must be applied for separately. If she did not apply in November for the early deadline, she should apply by the Feb 15 regular deadline. It’s highly likely she will be accepted to Honors given she has received a CS invite. Early Honors notifications are due to come out Jan 31.


@SuperfrogFan @Frogfan001 ~ do you have any idea if Honors College decisions will be released on 1/31 or prior to that (like today or Monday)? Thank you!


What is a “CS” invite? Sorry to be so dense. Also wondering if/when my DS will hear about Honors College.

Per the website and my knowledge, it should be January 31 as published:


No worries, CS = Chancellors Scholars, the interview weekend is coming up in February :slight_smile:

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We were invited to Chancellors weekend and an unavoidable conflict has arisen. Any thoughts on what to do? So disappointed.

Thank you for responding.

Perhaps email the coordinator about alternate dates to visit, but I can’t promise anything :frowning: The most important day is interview day on Saturday, so if its possible to attend that at all, it might be worth it.

Did you end up going? Anyone know when tcu will notify you if you are the recipient of Chancellor’s scholarship. Thanks!

They did not share when they would notify students but reading older blogs it was mid-March when recipients received their award via fedex packages.


I thought they send out email notifications instead physical letter. Someone said last year they let you know with in 2 weeks. Not sure if it’s true.

Oh well that is a little different than the blog I read but that would be wonderful if they are notified within 2 weeks and via email! The wait is brutal for my daughter.

My daughter is a current Junior Chancellors. Only speaking from our experience she was notified via a Fed EX package that she was accepted. It was about 2 weeks after the mid February interview weekend. Good luck to you ! It has been a fantastic school for our daughter. Go Frogs !

Wonderful and thank you for responding. We are praying she is accepted. We’ve heard nothing but positive things and the Chancellor weekend was a great experience for her and all finalists.

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Same here, it was a wonderful experience at chancellor’s weekend. Hoping for the best! Are you in state or oos? Someone said they created a FedEx acct and can already see the incoming package because the label was created by tcu. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

We are in state. Hoping for the best for all students. Fingers crossed :-).

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We have not heard anything yet. Have you all received notification?