Texas A&m Spring 2014 Update Thread

<p>just realized a may not even be able to go cause I’m taking a wintermester class and the final for it is on the 4th…</p>

<p>I am going to Howdy camp , I was recommended to go by many people from the university. You guys should definitely go if possible</p>

<p>I’m going to try and email my professor to see if i can take the final a day early so I can go</p>

<p>Yeah definitely do that! Hopefully it works out</p>

<p>I am sorry for being off the topic because I am thinking of switching my application from Fall 2014-> Spring 2015. I want to ask that are student attending Tamu in Spring 2014 class of 2017 (mean that they/you guys will graduate at the same time with ones attended in Fall2013). Thank you so much.! Hope to hear from you guy real soon!</p>

<p>@DZoikoan96 - If they stay on degree plan in a timely manner they will graduate in the same year as those that began in fall. Although, if Spring 2014 is your first semester, you would graduate in Fall of 2017 instead of Spring of 2017 as the people who started this fall.</p>

<p>Is there the summer course, can I start at Spring 2015 and graduate at Fall 2017? And, the admissions and scholarship policies in Spring admissions are same with those in Fall admissions right? Thank you</p>

<p>@Dzoikoan96 - Yes, the admissions/scholarship are the same but I think some grants are only available to be applied for during the Fall, but don’t quote me on that. If you started in Spring '15, it is technically possible to be done by Fall of 2017, but it would be extremely difficult and time consuming. You would have to take at least 17 hours per full term plus 6 hours each summer. This would be extremely difficult regardless of your major, and if you are in a difficult major it would be simply impossible. Is there a reason that you are set on graduating in 2017?</p>

<p>hmmm I just want to graduate on time (2017).</p>

<p>Hey guys, most of the classes I’m going to take are already full, and we can’t register until we assist NSC. So, will they open new classes there or something like that???</p>

<p>i believe the advisors are going to throw us into classes(but I’m sure we have some say in the matter though), not sure if they will open more seats in those classes for us or not though</p>

<p>what classes are you wanting to take? if its a normal science/english/history/writing or something like that advisors will just put you in it… if its a class outside of your major (because you’re trying to change majors) it may be open but if not you could always just tell the advisor you want to take that class for general knowledge and see what they say. I have friends who go to A&M and they say that they open spots periodically through registration to allow later registration to have seats.</p>