Thanksgiving in Tuscaloosa

<p>It’s right under the chart in red: “Make your Thanksgiving reservations now!”</p>

<p>Here’s the link:</p>


<p>My son will be staying in Tuscaloosa because of the Iron Bowl (he’s in MDB) so I called Cracker Barrel and ordered them Thanksgiving dinner to go. I thought about Publix but this way he doesn’t have to worry about heating things up in the dorm kitchen.</p>

<p>Fortunately, for a third straight year, my son is heading to one of his roommates’ homes for Turkey Day, and then returning to campus for the Iron Bowl. We finally got the chance to meet his roommate’s parents last year (had spoken with them on the phone before) and got the chance to thank them for all that they have done for our son.</p>

<p>While we would love to have him home, that Auburn game is kind of an important event, too. ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>The link is the words in red about making a reservation</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>Thanksgiving Dinner with Bama Dining!;

<p>Trying to decide if DD wants to make a quick trip home for Thanksgiving this year…</p>

<p>With no game on campus, will it be totally dead???</p>

<p>Are the dorms even open???</p>

<p>With no game, yes, campus will be dead. It’s six days including travel days, so a trip home shouldn’t be so bad. However, don’t discount the possibility that your daughter will be invited by a friend to spend Thanksgiving with her family in Alabama.</p>

<p>Halls are open over T-giving</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>feeno…I’m not sure that the campus will be dead. many OOS frosh and many won’t be going home because finals are too soon and they’d be going home after that.</p>

<p>I wonder if Bama Dining is going to again host their Tgiving dinner for students who are on campus.</p>

<p>When will Dining post that?</p>

<p>And do the sorority houses typically stay open?</p>

Your D would need to ask her particular house so that she’d know what’s available for her.</p>

<p>I imagine my DS won’t want to come home next Thanksgiving with the Iron Bowl being a home game. Boy do I need to be slowly prepping my DW starting now for that!!! Lol</p>

<p>My DS is coming back to NY this Thanksgiving. We have preplanned a big get together with all his friends who are also away at school at our house that Saturday to watch the Iron Bowl. My DW and I can’t wait, we miss having all of his friends here hanging by the pool and hot tub.</p>

<p>Many of the OOS students do not like to travel home for the Thanksgiving Break, it is just too close to finals. Lets face it coming home is great but distracting. They can wind up going back more tired and having studied less, than if they had stayed on campus. As much as we want to see our sons or daughters for the holiday, it is often better to stay, study, catch up on sleep/laundry and get ready for those finals, final projects/presentations. </p>

<p>Most students, I’ll venture to say all OOS students, who stay on campus will be invited somewhere for Thanksgiving. It could be a professor’s house, a dean’s house, a friend’s house, a sorority sister’s house or a frat brother’s house. I doubt that they will be at a loss for an invitation. Sometimes several of the OOS kids just cook up their own feast and celebrate. Others sleep right through the holiday. :)</p>

<p>A reminder to students: don’t forget to pick up some hostess gift or food item to bring, if you plan on attending Thanksgiving dinner somewhere. Remember, most stores(maybe all) will be closed on the holiday, so shop early. A nice box of chocolates, candy or cookies will not spoil if you purchase them in advance</p>

<p>This is the great debate at out house.</p>

<p>We initially told DS no way – the flights are just too expense, the times lousy and he’d get no work done at home going into the last week of turning in projects for class.</p>

<p>My parents (the grandparents) are beside themselves, even though they know this since June.</p>

<p>First, they were going to travel there (from PA), now they want to pay the air fare and bring him home.</p>

<p>Am I understanding the class schedules correctly – no classes on Wednesday?</p>

<p>Yes, no classes on Wednesday of Thanksgiving week.</p>

<p>It is such a personal issue that no one can really answer the question for your own family. For us, we choose to wait the extra few weeks to see our student. Often, once students get past freshman year, they can be home very seldom. They will do co-ops, internships, and study abroad programs. some students remain on campus to work summers, or go off traveling with their friends. It is hard for us parents but that is the nature of college life.</p>

<p>D told me last week that she weas not going to come home for Thanksgiving. Last year she went home with a friend and had a blast in a small town in Alabama called Gurley. She had a blast. They went shopping one day into Huntsville and they hung out and relaxed. She is hoping to do the same thing this year…airfare is so expensive right now and with them coming home so quickly afterwards, for us, it seems to be the right decision.</p>

<p>DS’ suitemate lives in Gainesville. Rather than come home to NY, he will be spending the weekend there, including going to the Florida-Florida State game. He can’t wait to experience another school’s rivalry game, but he has no idea what to wear. He cannot wear crimson (too close to FSU), and he certainly won’t wear orange.</p>

<p>Tell him to wear white, Chardo. It’s always safe in my family of 4 SEC teams!</p>



<p>WOW! Did not realize that finals were that close to Thanksgiving. Talking with D right now and may change those flights for her to come home Fall Break instead. We may go there for Thanksgiving instead or pick her up and a few days at the beach or something. Not thrilled with the prospects of her having to deal with traveling on the busiest air travel day of the year that close to finals. That will wear you out!</p>

<p>Or, what is a cool thing to do in even Bham for Thanksgiving? A nice hotel for the family to stay at and dinner somewhere?</p>