the big list of acceptances

<p>FALL 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>("Final" means you have decided to attend that school/program):</p>

<p>"Audition Required" Acceptances (you are into the program) by student:</p>

<p>ActorsDad's Son - CCM (Drama), Evansville (Drama)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
drum87- Cal State Fullerton
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT), Indiana University
Kellster - College of Charleston
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
mutsey87 -


NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT)
Samia525 - PPU
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

"Audition Required" Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S
ELON - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre)
Emerson - PRFRMR20
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S
Ithaca -


Millikin- falloffstage
NYU CAP 21 (Final) – chrisnoo, Janenw’s D, TheaterGuy, Weetziebat223, deegee, jashner's d
NYU Tisch (Final) - nyc<em>etoile (strasberg)
OCU - be</em>a_star (drama), Jordansmom D (MT), Lexismom's D (drama, BA in music), MTpolk (drama, BA in music), noccadad's d (drama, BA in music), TheatreNote(BA Theatre Performance, BM music)
Otterbein - Mezzomom's D (Music)
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT)</p>


<p>ActorsDad's S - UMich
lexismom's d - Elon
Melsmom's D - Elon
scogor's D - Elon</p>

<p>FALL 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>("Final" means you have decided to attend that school/program):</p>

<p>"Audition Required" Acceptances (you are into the program) by student:</p>

<p>ActorsDad's Son - CCM (Drama), Evansville (Drama)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
drum87- Cal State Fullerton
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT), Indiana University
Kellster - College of Charleston
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT)
Samia525 - PPU
stacey_ga -

CCM (Drama)

TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

"Audition Required" Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S,


ELON - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre)
Emerson - PRFRMR20
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S
Ithaca - mutsey87
Millikin- falloffstage
NYU CAP 21 (Final) – chrisnoo, Janenw’s D, TheaterGuy, Weetziebat223, deegee, jashner's d
NYU Tisch (Final) - nyc</em>etoile (strasberg)
OCU - be<em>a</em>star (drama), Jordansmom D (MT), Lexismom's D (drama, BA in music), MTpolk (drama, BA in music), noccadad's d (drama, BA in music), TheatreNote(BA Theatre Performance, BM music)
Otterbein - Mezzomom's D (Music)
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT)</p>


<p>ActorsDad's S - UMich
lexismom's d - Elon
Melsmom's D - Elon
scogor's D - Elon</p>

<p>I wouldn't put this on the acceptance list, since he doesn't even know I'm writing, but one of my d's good friends was deferred for UMich. I'm really happy for him; fingers crossed that he gets in (although I hope he goes to NYU for my d's sake :)</p>

<p>Do you know what his audition date was?</p>

<p>His audition date was Jan. 13. Does anyone know how many deferrals they normally send out?</p>

<p>A fairly good number, from what I've heard, although it's still very positive news, especially for UM. They send a deferral if they just aren't sure until they've seen everyone.</p>

<p>I've only seen one deferral on CC so far, though. Maybe the ones who were accepted/deferred aren't CC posters!</p>

<p>D's friend just heard from Ithaca about Film with Music Minor...Maybe their other acceptances are up?</p>

<p>ithaca's acceptances all come out at different times based on what school you're applying to.</p>

<p>a lot of MT decisions haven't come out yet.</p>

<p>OK, trying to be patient, but this list needs some activity soon! One more month, I guess, and it hopefully will be growing in leaps and bounds.</p>


<p>I'm not sure how many deferrals edmondsg thinks a "fairly good number" is, and I have no hard information, but I still believe that a deferral is potentially a very good thing and your d's friend should be proud and encouraged. I don't believe they offer a deferral unless they believe that the student is a strong candidate for the program. It just isn't a "slam dunk" yet. Jan 13 was only the second audition date. I know of several instances in the past two years where deferrals became acceptances. I hope this is true for your friend.</p>

<p>He should DEFINITELY stay in touch with UM from here on in and if they are truly his first choice, he should let them know that. It can make a difference.</p>

<p>Fingers crossed!</p>

<p>Thanks, theatermom! I told him a deferral was a good thing and he is definitely going to keep in touch with UMich. He said they were unbelievably nice and he said it was the most comfortable audition he had. There was another audition where he said they were very snooty and didn't like the people at all (can't mention where!!) He's a great kid and I hope he gets in - if your d has any suggestions, let us know!</p>

<p>rossij- i didnt know your d went to nyu, what studio?</p>

<p>I see above that Mutsey87 was accepted at Ithaca. I tried to find other posts that may give more info but nothing came up. Does anyone know was he/she accepted for MT or another major. If it was MT this is the first acceptance I have heard.</p>

<p>She's in CAP, with SoozieVT's VERY talented d! They actually have vocal tech together this semester. Small world, eh? I'm going to email you her email... check your pm's.... Jill</p>

<p>But she is transfering to Ithaca???</p>

<p>nooo...i was just wondering, shes staying in far as i know, simply because i just emailed her</p>


<p>Sorry for any confusion! My d is at CAP and is NOT transferring to Ithaca (at least she hasn't told me yet, lol!) I was responding to Chrisnoo.</p>

I thought the following post:
"She's in CAP, with SoozieVT's VERY talented d! They actually have vocal tech together this semester. Small world, eh? I'm going to email you her email... check your pm's..." Was a response to bearcaaat's question:
"I see above that Mutsey87 was accepted at Ithaca. I tried to find other posts that may give more info but nothing came up. Does anyone know was he/she accepted for MT or another major. If it was MT this is the first acceptance I have heard."
Upon re-reading, I get it now. Clear as mud, these discussions that jump and turn often with several people all having different discussions within one thread...sorry 'bout that! :)</p>

<p>Back to the Ithaca Mutsey question - I think that this is someone we know and that she was accepted into Acting at Ithaca. We're so happy for her!!! The posting didn't say, and now the post has been deleted on the Ithaca thread, so I'm not sure what happened to it.</p>

<p>bearcaaat - I also have not heard of any MT acceptances yet at Ithaca. Everyone may be deferred until the end of auditions.</p>