Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@rk2017. Thank you That link is useful, though old.

Does any university/program offers BS/MD for international students who did their high school in US?

You can apply to both SBU/GWU and GWU/GWU right

@Cherax Yes, one can apply to both.


Check with BU’s (Boston) accelerated program. Their traditional route program this year claims enrollment of students from 15-20 countries, who had graduated from US or Canadian universities. Check if there have any restrictions such as having permanent resident status by the time of enrollment. Check with other programs too by calling them up.
Also in the 2017 results thread, recall someone who moved to US during high school and joining UIC direct med program. You may want to reach out to her by Private messaging to get more details.

That’s an in-state program though, correct?

Yes UIC is for in state applicants only. The idea behind referring to that student is that she must have applied to few other programs too across the country after doing some findings about the potential avenues for students like her.

Is anyone else applying to Drexel? We are having a really hard time with getting access to the Drexel BSMD application through their portal.

Can anyone find the deadline for Kent?

Kent is for Neomed? If I remember, Neomed stopped offering guaranteed pathway from last year, so better check it out.

Nah it’s still up (

How is this program viewed?

Hello All,

I am looking for guidance on my daughter chances for her BS/MD.

Below are the stats

GPA: 4.0 (UW)
SAT 1520/1550 (Super Score)
SAT II : She took Math and BIO(E) - Waiting for scores

AP : Human, History, Psychology, Spanish and Stats

Senior Year AP : Bio, Calc B/C, Art Hist and Lang

Rank: Her school will not rank, however she would top 1-3%

Ethnic - Indian American
State CA

Leadership (EC):

Pre-Med club president
Non profit org president
JV Basketball Team captain
Cultural club - VP

Community Service (EC) :
Volunteer in Brain Injury center - 2 years
Volunteer teacher for the Non profit org - 1 year
Volunteer Guitar teacher in elementary school - 1 year

Medical (EC) :

Pediatrician job shadow - (80 Hrs)
Six different specialized doctors shadowing thorough the program ( 70 Hrs)
Volunteer Children and Women hospital ( 80 Hrs)

Work (EC):
Paid tutor for elementary school kids in one of the elementary school

Research (EC) :
Published the research poster board in one of the symposium
Planning to publish my research through one of the publisher

Awards (EC):
Spanish National Honor
City recolonization award for the non profit
Honor Guard school high performing students

“Note: NEOMED no longer offers any direct from high school provisional admission programs (formerly known as “B.S./M.D.”)”


Your daughter’s credentials and background are impressive, though she can perhaps improve on the sat if possible. But bear in mind that is a typical profile of almost all the applicants in this route. Research on the many programs available and apply judiciously to a handful. You can go through the earlier posts by various contributors in this thread as well as last year’s and the results threads of past couple of years to get a feel and likelihood of acceptances by various programs. Always have a good traditional route approach as a backup.

Nope called Kent, it is listed on their website BUT no longer 6 or 7 yrs BSMD offered at Kent or any NEOMED now.

Ah I see, thanks!!

@nansan - Stats are similar to the most kids who apply to these programs. It comes down to how articulate your daughter is about her volunteering and other ECs in the essay. Also, CA residency may hurt little bit.

@srk2017 Reg.your comment about CA, is it due to the expected competition from within the school/state that makes it difficult, or is it due to OOS statue?

@rk2017, Thank you. I will go through the previous post for sure.

My D is not planning to take SAT, she already took twice, i understand that some of the colleges will do super score however it is not clear do the colleges consider it for BS/MD program as well.


While I will let @srk2017 share his take on that, my personal opinion is, it is due to CA being a large state and very competitive academically with a lot of kids from CA applying to these programs around the country. The OOS/CA status should help if any and not hurt since these schools and programs look for geographical diversity too (irrespective of what impressions their web sites may convey).

  • My D who attends a prestigious 7 year program in the north east, says the biggest contingent in her class is from CA, about 20-25% of the class.
  • When we went to Yale for the admissions tour (traditional route application), the woman giving the presentation to a hall full of students and parents was enquiring explicitly if any one in the audience were from the West or the South. Pretty much everyone there were from the North East.
  • Also I happen to know a student from the North West who goes to a 7 year program also in the NE whose credentials are not stellar, rather sub par, I think her state residency helped her to a large extent landing into the program ahead of the competition from the NE students with significantly better credentials.
  • From your own recent account of personally knowing 4 Asian origin kids going to Harvard, the OOS/CA residency status should either help or have neutral effect on someone's candidacy for these and other highly competitive programs.

Hello, if anybody has any questions on Sophie Davis, I can answer them based on what I’ve seen so far. I am currently almost 2 months into the program.