Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

I would also like to add to my earlier comments that there are some open to all programs though with strong in state or regional preference such as Alabama, Connecticut, Ohio (Cincinnati) and Texas even as their web sites don’t mention about that. But the total available slots in all these programs combined are not that many anyway. Other than these I don’t see any reason why students from a particular state or region should stand a disadvantage.


Thanks for being frank. It helps to know where I really stand. However, can you please enlighten me on what led you to believe that my stats are not enough for PLME. I know they are only above average and not excellent, but in general, like what kinds of stats does PLME want. I have done many other things as well, which I did not mention, but I just want to know what do they focus on when overseeing apps and also what kinds of things look good.

I really can’t decide if I should risk an ED application for all these bs/md programs because I do not know the likelihood of me getting in. What do you think?


If you are not from an ORM background, you may still have a chance. However if you are an ORM candidate, don’t count on it. If you are willing to attend Brown whether or not selected for PLME (which won’t be revealed till much later I think) and finances is not an issue, then your best bet will be to apply ED.

I know PLME has ~60 seats total. But if you happen to be an ORM, for all practical and realistic purposes, knock of a digit in that figure. From that you can evaluate the chances of one’s getting in.


I think ORM stands for Over Represented MINORITY.


If you do not mind my asking, how have you learned so much regarding all of these programs and the impact that race, gender, and family status plays into admissions? Are you an admissions counselor or were you one in the past?

I did a lot of reading and studying, visiting campuses, talking to admissions folks, parents, students who already graduated etc during my D’s admissions process couple of years ago.


Where did your daughter end up? Sorry asking so many questions.

How is UTOLEDO BACC2MD Program?

@neurochic Please note that this forum is for experienced members, parents, current BSMD students to share their advice and perspective, which is invaluable in my opinion. I suggest not questioning anyone credibility or background for all the good intentions in giving free advice. However, all the students must use their own judgment in making final decisions, whether it’s BSMD or ED. No one but you with your family’s support can make that final determination.

Really thankful for this group and all the advice! How important university of Pittsburgh undergraduate essay questions are? Are they used in determination of admission to BS MD program? I understand you have to be first admitted to their undergraduate college before they send you new supplements for BS MD program. Do they look at undergraduate essays again for final decision?

@Metsfan7860 I am a NY resident and currently in my senior year of high school. I wondering if you could tell me the process of applying to Sophie davis. I know the CUNY app is used and Sophie is added. What do I do after that? Do I need to do anything else. Where do I submit the 5 letter of recommendations. Also, do the admissions really look at regents scores? Do I have to go into primary care if I don’t want to or pay 75K.


It is ok to ask questions, after all we elders are around to help you all in whatever way we can. If you followed my earlier posts, you could have easily figured out whereabouts of D which it won’t be appropriate for me to reveal now for her privacy.

Not to discourage you or anyone here, but I happen to know this student, ORM who applied to PLME with this background.
Top student from a top STEM specialized high school in the nation - getting into which itself being highly competitive. Stellar scores in ACT, sat subjects, many APs including BCPM. All perfect or very close to it. Had couple of research publications, considerable physician shadowing, as mentioned at the top of his highly prestigious school nationally with a 3.97+ or so unweighted and 4.5+ weighted gpa. Very articulate with his words and thoughts. He didn’t get into PLME.

Does it mean others with a little lesser credentials can’t? No. In fact I am sure some did. But realistic chances are low. What would have happened if he had applied ED? Anybody’s guess but he didn’t want to lock himself up with that option. He landed in another direct med 7 year program though where the med school is even more prestigious.

@neurochic While your numbers and ECs can be considered competitive for regular undergrad admissions, the BS/MD applicant pool is much more competitive -especially for ORMs.

You have the standard volunteering and shadowing, but lack research experience (from what I can see). In addition, a 1520/34 test score would put you on the lower end of the spectrum for BS/MD applicants. However, you have not stated any of your non-medical ECs.

My advice is to focus on the medicine supplements and really express your maturity and why you want to do medicine. PLME isn’t for the students who just want a stress-free undergrad by not taking the MCAT and taking S/NC courses

In addition, you definitely need to prepare for the possibility of a rejection from all BS/MD schools so you should apply to strong premed programs as well.

@neurochic all this being said, have no regrets during the process. Apply anywhere and everywhere.

I have interned both at JHH and Harvard. I did not mention earlier.

Do we have to send the official AP scores to BS/MD colleges? I know it is not needed or not considered but is it better to send it anyways.
Thanks in advance.

What kind of internships did you do at JHH and Harvard? If they are summer courses/lab offered by universities, I heard they are good for your own benefit but does not help you stand out in admissions process. More knowledgeable people can correct me of I am wrong.

@vmt1975 you’re correct. Most programs offered by universities are just a way for them to make extra money in the summer. Independent internships are considered to be a lot better. The only exceptions to this would be RSI.