Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

University of Cincinnati med school - per year 2018, entering students via regular path have average MCAT of 515 and Science GPA 3.68 and Cumulative GPA 3.74, do the students entering via Connections program also needs to obtain MCAT 515 and GPA 3.74?

Please reply if you have info on this.

thanks @rk2017

We talked to MSU about taking MCAT and applying to other Med schools.
They said, I can take MCAT and apply outside. But if the MCAT score is low, it will affect the chance of MSUCOM admission.

Sorry about the confusion on OOS. I am OOS for Georgia and No Scholarships.

All my life I had been wanting to be a doctor. Initially, I started thinking about BME as backup. But last 18 months heavily thinking about going in BME route (BME, masters and phd).
Now thinking about 70% BME / 30% MSU.
Need to convince myself to 100% on one side. :slight_smile:

@wowbears If you can handle BME as BS major, MCAT should not be a concern. For DO programs, MCAT > 510 and MD MCAT > 515 may be competitive.

@wowbears - Given that you are saying you are 70% into BME, if you don’t mind a gap year to become a doctor then consider going BME route. Most people go to BSMD if they are 100% set on medicine, don’t want gap years and don’t care about medical school prestige. Also MD/Ph.D is a good option.

Did Njit/Njms alone come out for anyone, thats the only college I got the njms interview with


Just let me repeat from the past and FYI, in my D’s high school batch of 10 students who applied to and got into GA Tech (just not BME though), no one chose to go there. I think Michigan State with no restrictions on applying out and all that scholarship seems to be a better bet. In 3 years time, hopefully you will have a better picture whether you still want to continue on DO path (based on how residency matches for DOs pan out after the unification matching process) or to opt out for MD there itseof or elsewhere. Michigan State undergrad brand name is not that bad after all :blush: Also you can try pursuing BME there itself during undergrad and back off if proving too challenging gpa wise.


are u also considering UMich instate LSA premed as an option with Michigan state OMSP? I assume you have schlarship with omsp

Just got a notification that my D was accepted into AMC/RPI. Does anyone know if RPI gives any scholarships?

@SamEasaw When did you receive the notification? Was it by email? RPI does offer some scholarships, such as a leadership award and a few other awards. You can read more about the scholarships on their website.


Thats good to know. I might consider doing MSU, get good GPA and take MCAT. I may not get any MCAT study group at MSU. Because most of them are doing OMSP.

Thanks @srk2017

Thats a good option. I might take a gap year and shoot for a good med school.

Thank you, and to answer your your questions, it was a E-mail from AMC/RPI today morning.

thanks @rk2017

I heard the DO is merging with MD this year for residency. But not 100% sure. BME at MSU not good. I think MSU has biosystems engineering with BME interest. But who cares the rank for premed. Thats good option too.


NO, I am OOS for Michigan and wait listed for UMich.
Yes I have good scholarship with MSU OMSP (35K per year).
But the MedSchool @ MSU costs 89K per year for OOS.


do you have an option to apply out before joining MedsShool @ MSU?

@wowbears One good plan may be to go to MSU-OMSP with scholarship and maintain high GPA. Take MCAT and apply out to DO and MD schools. Your home state school may give preference to in-state candidates for MD. You can major in an easier subject (like Bio, Chem, Math) than BME.


Yes the residency matching is merging. The question is what impact would it have on applicants from a DO background. Will it help or hurt their chances or remain the same?
Lot of direct med programs, it seems will allow one to be considered in state after few years of staying there. So I don’t think you will be charged OOS fee for medical school. Better to have it confirmed though.

@grtd2010 and anyone else concerned about security,

I am sure both NJIT and Rutgers Newark campuses are completely safe and so is the walk to NJMS campus with security officers all around. Better get it confirmed in open houses though along with other questions one may have.
When it comes to going to and from train station half a mile away, even if there is no shuttle service there which I doubt, people should not mind spending 10$ for a Uber/Lyft ride (5 if two people share the ride) once in a while when getting thousands of dollars in price breaks in tuitions.

When it comes to campus neighborhood not looking pleasing, go check out JHU in Baltimore and try stepping a block out of campus to see the difference.


Is it better then Caribbean?


I can apply outside. But I need to notify MSU with the MCAT score. At that point, MSU has right to cancel or Reject my application to MSU MED School.


thanks, thats a good option. I am considering that too.