Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@wowbears that brings risk part in equation and ask a simple question, how far you may want to go? If medicine is your passion, you will know that by the time of MCAT and you will also know what you have been accomplished in terms of GPA. If you have super duper GPA, relatively you expect to do well on MCAT. If GPA is ~3.5-3.6, you see writing on wall, forget the MCAT, take the cost hit and be a Dr (still you want to be a Dr at that time). This is now a question of your risk appetite.


thanks. I think my parents asked and MSU needs 5 years to be instate. meaning, I need to stay 5 years in Michigan to become instate. Thats a great point. I always thought DO/MD merging will benefit DO. But it might hurt too.

Anybody hear from Rutgers NB and RWJ 4+4 Program?


thx, that makes sense.
If GPA is ~3.5-3.6, go with MSUCOM.
If its greater 3.8, take MCAT. I think after 5 years of Michigan stay, I might become instate.
But I strongly see myself at 3.8 GPA at MSU or 3.6 GPA if I go to GA Tech.


I wish it is as simple as you described for University of South Carolina student, i pray for her and family. Spending money does not necessarily mean safety.

@SamEasaw -
“Just got a notification that my D was accepted into AMC/RPI. Does anyone know if RPI gives any scholarships?”

@wowbears Is there a Medical School in your home state ? How difficult is it to get admission in your home state school ? It is not CA.

@Bsmd2019 Did you interview for Rutgers-NB Global Health (4+4) program? It is by invitation only. If not, it may already be over for 2019 instate first time HC Presidential Scholars.

Regarding the njit security check the following link:

@ven2020 The issue may be violence and threats in surrounding areas not within campus.

Does anyone know if the following BA/MD programs have special tours of both their medical school and undergrad?
NU, BU, CWRU, Rice, Brown, and U of Rochester.

Congratulations to everyone on your acceptances !


Some people here are over reacting and making unnecessary hoo haw about security. Get practical. No one can be 100% secure even sitting in the fanciest home in safest neighborhood.

If people exercise common sense approaches such as avoiding partying late into nights and early mornings, not knowing what they are doing after getting drunk, knowing whether getting into a Uber vehicle or not, not texting while walking, be aware of the surroundings etc, etc. such incidents can be avoided. There are thousands of students commuting every day one way or the other and don’t point at one unfortunate incident in a year out of all these and draw your own conclusions. If you are so concerned you should not have sent your child away for studies to begin with.

I am sure the smart and responsible kids here and their wise parents know how to avoid getting into trouble.

Anyone on this board or previous years confirming Drexel BS/MD program? How difficult it is to maintain minimum scores in each section of MCAT and scoring 513. .

Do you know anyone attending Drexel BS/MD program from previous years?


I didn’t get into GPPA. :slight_smile: May be after MSU undergrad, take MCAT and apply UIC.


You did not specify special tours for who? For prospective students who haven’t applied yet? If so I highly doubt it.
Yes, if you applied and have been invited for interviews, depending upon availability of time and resources some of these programs will let you explore their med school.

But if you have been accepted after the interview, they all will host open houses where current students in the program who already matriculated into the med school will guide you through the tours.

Interesting interview

For those interested, following provides further details on the neighborhoods with Newark:

Both University Heights which caters to a student population of more than 30000 and the Central Business district are deemed safe (at least during day time for sure). There are some upscale neighborhoods too if anyone is planning to drive around and live there.

Congratulations @sajju786


Can you comment on Drexel BS/MD program. We are OOS. It is stretch on the COA for us, but as parents we are willing to support. Drexel gave 23K scholarship.

Please rate the rigor of UG program in Biological Sciences, research opportunities and transitioning into Drexel medical school or any other medical school after 4 years. My DD is a Pre-med track student at a competitive high school. She is 100% sure that she wants to become a Physician. This is the only bird in hand.

Rest of UG schools where she was admitted are with scholarships around the same scholarship $$

Case Western
RPI Undergrad
Steven Institute of Tech.
Stony Brook