Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@srk2017…Lol…we can communicate via PM too here at CC…

@sajju786 @OldSchoolMD Great! My spouse and D would be at the BU open house!

@OldSchoolMD to answer your question -
I don’t have a specific issue. My D is weighing few programs. I will save those for results thread later.

One of the criteria of my D’s is the program should be challenging enough but the UG shouldn’t be way too stressful that they forget to even smile and laugh! Obviously, when they get to MD and residency the stress level is going to be very high.
For now, we are trying to have informal conversation to understand and call home for next 7 years.
The social media for BU is very quiet.
Whereas, another program that she got in has been brimming with energy and enthusiasm - including parents social media group!

What is the BU BS/MD class size I assume it is not fixed . How many students were offered this year I assume they interview 80 to 100 ?

@DSOF20192023 sorry for this late reply, but no I didn’t consider W&M due to their exclusion from a city and not as strong sciences program.


Which social media group at BU are you referring to? The group formed by the newly admitted students or that of existing students there starting something for the newbies? Don’t count on existing groups there, they must be all busy with the work load. I don’t think I myself as a parent ever checked or contributed in any way to the existing group(s), so can’t comment on what is happening there.

There has been a lot of chatter on BU here though so far, around 350 posts or so and counting in this thread itself referring to BU one way or the other. And to the point of aggravating some folks. Fortunately or unfortunately :wink: I am the only parent active here. I am sure there are few more parents following the proceedings here but they very rarely comment.

Also not sure about smiles and laughs, but know some of the smeds are in dance teams, including D since freshman year.

@trustybsms, yes that is typical, around 80 called in for interview, around 40 offered interviews and they expect around 20 to enroll. Last year it was 80 or 81 interviewed → 38 offered → 31 enrolled. Probably due to Y2K boom effect :smiley: Waiting for someone to post the latest figures when known.

Got the official notification from NJIT and it seems like taking MCAT is mandatory. However, there is no threshhold score, although students are expected to prepare effectively and do well. I remember reading on CC that NJIT requires students to do better than the average of the previous years MCAT scores…I didnt see any thing like that on the letter…

@rk2017 I am glad at least you are here to comment!
I guess I am looking for those 350+ chatter. Was it last year?
Can you please PM me? I have some specific Qs. I need to post more to PM you.

BTW, the quiet BU social media I was talking about are new FB groups for incoming students (started by current students) and a separate ones for parents.
The students FB group just became active! Yippie!! They heard me!

No, in this year’s (2019) thread. Just search for “BU” using the search glass icon at the top or bottom of the page … I will PM you

@SkAdvice Here is UPitts Info ( Research Rank 13, Median MCAT 517, Median GPA 3.81, Acceptance Rate 5.3%)
13 1University of Pittsburgh 517 3.81 5.30% 93.7

@RedMan108 Thank you! I prefer the overall environment at PLME over HPME. Chicago is really big and did not have the nice cozy New England vibe. The students I met at HPME were all very nice and I have not met any PLME in person but it seems that all past and current students at PLME are very happy with their decision to attend.

Hi @rk2017 I really appreciate your input. One thing that I like about PLME is that the first year medical school class size is 15% smaller than HPME. It may not seem like a major difference to some but I come from a very small size school so I prefer that. I did notice looking at the match lists for the schools at least for 2018 and 2019 that there seemed to be more students at PLME that go into primary care fields but from what I’ve been told, the primary care programs where they are training are all top notch within their fields. At this point, I’m not sure what field I want but it seems that students at both programs do end up in all disciplines. As for research, I got in to both programs with next to no research so research is lower on my list of priorities.

@NoviceDad My coach never said that Brown has better match lists than NU. He said that I should be using match lists rather than USnews rankings to decide since some schools do not participate in rankings but every school must graduate students. When I look at the match lists, I feel that the Brown list has more brand name program matches like Harvard, Stanford etc so that’s what I mean by I feel Brown’s was better for more competitive residency programs.

All the very best.

Can someone provide more info about food, meal plan etc… at BU?

BU is an urban campus, lot of restaurants around so that means bigger credit card bills for parents regardless of campus food is good or not :smile: kids gets bored with campus food quickly.

@HPMEhopeful Ivies tend to show some bias to other Ivy graduates when comes to graduate programs or residencies.

BU food cost wise win-win situation, if you get a free ride, use that money on outside restaurants. If you are able to afford full UG cost, then spending on restaurants is not an issue at all.
Interested specifically to college dining hall options, quality etc…

@PPofEngrDr are you in for the Friday Open House at BU?
From what I have heard, BU dining option meal plan are OK, but kids get tempted with so many options outside.
So they quickly get bored with meal plan.
The dining option lunch menu provided during the BU interview day was really good though.

Please PM me for meal plan.

nah, I won’t be there for Friday Open house. Generally open house days are hectic and food goes to last priority as folks are busy figuring out other things. May be BU parent has more info about it.

Confirmed and accepted BU SMED! Thank you to all the seniors and parents here for their guidance and advice throughout this process. I will definitely post in the results thread as well.