Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@upstream - Did your son used AP credits for sciences also? In traditional route usually that’s not recommended. My son is using Math credits (from AP and IB HL) only since medical schools he has in mind are OK with AP/IB credits.


literally read as SPAM with little case mixing creativity.

My final post of this cycle: BSMD vs. Traditional
(unless someone has questions regarding information provided below)

Congrats to everyone who got into BSMD programs and your dream schools!!

The major difference of the above is that usually BSMD programs guarantee that students will matriculate into their prospective medical schools as long as students maintain certain GPA and some cases certain MCAT scores, where as in traditional route there is no such guarantee even if you get GPA of 3.60 to 3.79 with MCAT score of 514 to 517. With those stats, the overall acceptance rate was 75% in 2017-18 through 2018-19, but it could be a little lower for Asian applicants. With those stats in BSMD programs, the possible matriculation rate to prospective medical schools would be close to100% with the exception of WashU and UPitt programs (and few others maybe?)!!

Good luck everyone! Advise your kids, but please let them make the final decision!!

@upstream - See you next cycle :wink:

Till then …?

@Cherax and others

Please share your experience in the results thread:

@Cherax Congrats and thanks for your post in results thread.
Schools are the looser and not you. 23 is your magic number.
Agree, unless a balanced profile it is hard to predict both in BS/MD and in the regular MD.
It is interesting they are not seeing what else you have accomplished and with in the same 24 hours/day and it is natural it can take a slice of GPA. Good you understood the process and applied more.

Thank you @GoldenRock for your supportive words!

If comparing between Union/AMC and VCU. Can anyone advice pros/cons of these schools? Anyone planning to attend VCU or Union/AMC on this forum?

@Cherax Congratulations!

Of course literally hours after I post I get another result… I wasn’t rejected from Hofstra apparently, I was waitlisted, and in their email they said that last year they waitlisted 5 and ultimately accepted all 5.

@Cherax @medgirl6
Thanks for sharing your experience in the results thread.

One can only speculate why schools do not call someone for interviews.

Congratulations on your acceptances and all the very best.


I think, and may be wrong, VCU gives you flexibility to apply out to other med schools. It has lots of funds in medical and science related areas. So if your S has more inclination towards science and research it may be a better fit. Also I guess Richmond is a vibrant and commercial city.

Union/AMC gives you good exposure and freedom of choosing liberal arts curriculum. So if he has inclination towards that (like my D even though she is very strong in sciences), it may be a better fit. Also he gets the option of an additional masters degree (MBA or MS I believe).

@sangsun My D will be attending Union/AMC. She really liked the liberal arts focus - you do a double major in science and liberal arts subjects. You also earn an MS at the same time. With a few extra classes, you earn the MBA. She also really liked Union college which was a huge plus. It is quite strong in philosophy - her intended major.

Congratulations @cherax, @sangsun, @medgirl6

DS got accepted at TCNJ too. Any suggestions for TCNJ vs Brooklyn SUNY Downstate? (Cost is same as N.J. allows to establish in-state residency)

Congrats @Cherax - well deserved and all the very best

@medgirl6, @Cherax

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your profiles and experiences in the results thread!

@Cherax, good for you in many ways, not too far from home state, UConn let’s you apply outside if you want and you may qualify for the instate tuition too for the med school because of the undergrad stay there.

Can you please explain how MA (SPiM) student may become in-state at med-school.

I am guessing, I don’t know for sure … But various state schools like NJMS and Michigan State allow students to acquire instate status for the med school portion after few years of staying there (3-5 year?). So I believe similar may be the case here. Perhaps @Cherax knows or can find out and share the details here?