Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@deci2019: We are in the same boat. May I ask are you from Massachusetts. Mys on is thinking BS/MD @ Drexel or traditional route @ CaseWestern or UMass Amherst. BU & NEU are the schools have also given scholarships, but the cost is very high.

@srk2017 : We are from Massachusetts. UMass Amherst : with scholarship : 26K and CWRU: with scholarship: 45 K.

At Drexel if has received 21K scholarship, so the cost comes down to 48K/year.

@rk2017 : We received 21K/year scholarship from Drexel. In addition Honors and Included Stars Scholar Program. For Srat scholar program… they will pay $3500 stipend & housing for for 10 weeks program.

@rk2017: Thank you for providing good stats. This is very helpful. I feel my son should take this opportunity & if he gets amazing score for MCAT like 517 range, he can always apply out.

@desi2019 This is my personal and biased (because I am not stating anything objectively backed by statistical data).

My friend’s Son went to Drexel but 10 years back. Lehigh/Drexel. Interestingly he graduated in 2 years but Drexel informed he must wait for 3 years before matriculating into Drexel. So he took 1 year off and went to Asia and volunteered for a biggest hospital chain in that country. But for whatever reasons, he did his 2 years of rotation in Pittsburg suburb. Later he got his residency in Baylor/Dallas in IM. This year he is starting his IM sub-specialty Cardio and plans to be there for another 5 years including fellowship. That is an example, where some one if determined can do very well in any school.

3 years back when I took my D to Drexel interview (she got rejected). But she informed she would not have joined even if she got selected and we are ok to spend that much $. Why, she was not comfortable based on the interview experience, the school, where classes held but where they need to go for lab/hospital (downtown).
Personally I was also not that impressed either and happy, luckily we did not have the need to weigh in on Drexel.

Agree, it is definitely a steep slope specifically for ORM during the regular MD admission, but still it is not that impossible. But it is in the hands of the student to make that happen (not parents). Also it is equally important that student chose where he is comfortable, and not go where he is not comfortable.

Drexel is a private school and small. Highly unlikely there are party kids there. Most of these kids’ parents are paying through their noses and the kids feel that responsibility to live up to their parents expectations. As you can see from the profile page of their researchers (that I shared earlier in the day), they have pretty strong departments like computer science, data sciences, business, MIS … So good company of smart kids too who your son may want to hang around with. Not that I am promoting one school or program over the other, but just sharing some observations.

@deci2019 - i wouldn’t worry about ‘party people’ or ‘serious study’ students. most will gravitate towards like-minded individuals. most will end up with friends with similar interests. just my two cents…

Thank you , it is helpful

@rk2017 and @OldSchoolMD Thank you both, it is really helpful

We are from PA

Drexel has a lot of parties actually and has a large number of frats and sororities.

@rk2017 Did you ever attend a university in USA as a student ( graduate/undergarduate ) ? Every college/university has a party scene and social activities. It is a part of fun in college life. Most students look forward to having fun including desi/Indian students.

@ucmehta We are from FL. Major in Biological sciences.

@ucmehta - Top 20 med schools value research more than others. Sof if your son is aiming for those, explore the research opportunities at Drexel first before deciding. Clinical and non-clinical volunteering can be done anywhere. As per party culture you need to be aware but again comes down to who you hang out with. Also grad level experience is different from UG experience so I don’t go based on Immigrant parents attending grad schools on shoestring budget :smile:

Drexel is a private school and small. Highly unlikely there are party kids there.


Do we have any data/study/reference to suggest being private means less party, public means more party, one way or the other?

Most of these kids' parents are paying through their noses and the kids feel that responsibility to live up to their parents expectations


Which data study relates wealth with responsibility or non-wealth with irresponsibility, or anything otherwise? Kids should live up to their own expectations first. Not sure how one can tie parents expectations to parents payments, if any. As a parent, i only expect moral, ethical, integrity in my child behavior and actions. How child performs in school academics is up to child.

they have pretty strong departments like computer science


It is not even in top 100. Not sure how one define strong?

Pitt gap decisions are out.
D is innnnnnn.Very happy for her she got her top choice.

@whitecane congratulations!! Its dream come true to be admitted to first choice.

Will post in results thread shortly

congratulations @whitecane !!! that’s great. best of luck! my DS not so fortunate with his UPitt news. oh, well…

Thank you @PPofEngrDr and @OldSchoolMD.
Sorry to hear but definitely he will deserve something best for him.Best of luck to him aswell.