Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Yes @PPofEngrDr my son, he always liked Boston and he got in there he is very happy and so is our family.

BU SMED 7yrs BA/MD Program for us.

I would like to personally thank @PPofEngrDr , @NoviceDad, @srk2017 and @GoldenRock fro help and guidance.

@gallentjill - Of course not every American born kid acts same, but what I meant to say is immigrant (esp desi) version of partying is different and most of us don’t have first hand experience of partying in campuses.

We are going around circles about everything here. It’s a legitimate concern for lot of parents about the schools that have party school tag just like some have concern about safety. Instead of addressing those concerns, most advice given here is be happy you got BSMD admission and stop worrying about other things!

@sajju786 sure it wasn’t intentional, you missed @rk2017 he too deserves credit for BU information :smile:

@sajju786 Congrats! I won’t ask for stats but do share his experiences in the thread I created 2 years back,

yes @rk2017 thanks

@sajju786. Thank you! and Congratulations on your decision.

You are welcome @whitecane @sajju786

Please post your experiences on the results thread:

@srk2017 True, it seems folks here are only interested in getting a coveted award of admission into any or many BSMD programs and move on. The other options and issues are not talked about openly.

Congratulations @whitecane and @hs2med

Re: Partying

Kids will find their own “equilibrium” around that. Also, if kids do not have some fun in college, what is college experience all about?

One thing which is very prevalent in campuses is drinking, especially in frats.
However, ~ 20% of kids join frats, which means 80% do not join though they may participate in the frat parties.
A lot of kids will begin drinking just to fit in. Some will not and their partying experience will be very different than others.

Key is not to get off-track from your goals and know where your personal boundaries are.



Congratulations on your decision

@whitecane Thanks for posting in results thread. That always helps future students. In your case also, it is evident that applying to multiple schools is key, especially if the profile is not well balanced. Though GPA is little low, at least few schools acknowledged the research done, which is extra ordinary and the speech passion etc.,

It is very hard at times to know what each school is looking. Interesting some of them did not even call for interview.
In your case also, schools are the looser. Pitt is a very good choice and will do well.

@sajju786 nice, are you planning to visit BU open house for accepted students on April 19th? We are planning to go. My D is considering to join in UG there.

@whitecane Congrats on UPitt, happy for your D. Please verify all the documentation with UG as well as Medical schools.

Catching up wealth of info/messages again

Congratulations @diaash, @sajju786, @hs2med and @whitecane

Since there are few who are new to CC, here are some tips.

  1. It is a public forum. So do not disclose any of your personal information, including Email or address or phone number etc
  2. If you simply want to acknowledge or thank, click the 'Agree' or 'Like' or 'Helpful' of that post rather than making a new post. That helps for future students / parents so that the thread is not too big to review. Also it helps the person who made the post.
  3. To find some thing quick in a thread, use the search icon, next to the page numbers which are listed at the top and the bottom of the page. Put any text like college or handle name or any thing. That will give a list with matched posts to find easily than trying to browse the 400 pages.
  4. If you want to send a personal message (PM), click the handle name and 'send a message'. But you need to have posted X number before it allows you. Heard it is 15 posts.
  5. Every year 2 threads are created. One for discussion and that is what this particular thread, and it will run around 400 pages. Second thread is for results with students perspective for next cycle students. That normally goes around to 10 pages or so only. But that thread is very useful for students / parents who are HS Freshman, Sophomore or Junior to know what it takes to get in to BS/MD and plan ahead. So there please do not have any discussion (rather use this thread for that purpose).
  6. Wait for moderators to create the discussion and results thread for every cycle. But if eager, do it with the following naming conventions. Since the threads also so many (like posts) and naming convention helps future parents / students.

*** Official Thread for Discussion - BS/MD Applicants for 2019-20 Cycle ***

*** Official Thread for Results- BS/MD Applicants for 2019-20 Cycle ***

  1. Last but not least, please on or before May 1st, make a post with your stats and perspectives in the results thread. This is for the current cycle students / parents.

@MehaPrabhu17 In case if you have not noticed this thread, make your posts here so that students / parents planning to go to BU, will answer your questions and can get in touch.

I don’t think stats will help much given most have great stats. Medical and non-medical ECs details may help more.