Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@RedMan108 for RPI/AMC did you complete CASPer test already prior to recieving supplemental applications? Also is there a certain deadline for RPI/AMC to send you the supplemental to know if youre accepted?


last day to do the CASPer is today. My D did it today. I have no idea how it worksā€¦Thx

I hope hoop887 able to take Casper test today. The last test they take as their website said.

The CASPer is required for all programs that feed to AMC (and for AMC itself). Itā€™s an ~2 hour long online bioethics test where scenarios are presented and you must respond with the appropriate course of action from your perspective. VERY time-pressured, and typing fast is a must.


Thanks for sharing the info. Will go through in detail in leisure.

ā€œIt is a proxy which in my mind is better than rankings which give weightage to research dollars.ā€

Fair enough! If I understand what you said earlier correctly, despite the apparently big gap between NW and Jefferson in terms of Research grants (and rankings), it shrinks when we factor in residency placements with both of them doing well in that category.
Also Jefferson being in Philadelphia has to compete with the big dude next door, UPenn which may get a Lionā€™s share of funding when they submit proposals in similar areas, besides also vying with Temple, Drexel and may be few others, resulting in comparably fewer awards.

Also, the awards and dollars alone may not be true indicators. Northeastern, with no medical school of its own, and with the least amount of awards in Boston area as per the info you provided has had the highest score and rank in US for Citations on times higher link I shared! (If you click performance indicators as the category). Perhaps percapita, based on the limited faculty engaged in life sciences research, but still a significant factor indicating the quality and impact of the research being carried out there.

Do you think if I have really good extracurriculars, 3 really good rec letters, 1 average, a 35 act, 800 math 2, 760 bio- M, but a 3.8 gpa that I can get into a BS/MD program?

Yes, you have a chance.
Ensure you have good essays and a good story to tell.

@narkor @GoldenRock @rk2017
Today DD was asked to schedule an alumini interview by Jan 25th for UoRochester(Portal).
She applied for Rems.She did not opt for an interview on her application.Is this interview for regular undergrad at UoRochester?She was given an option of personal interview in California or Skype or phone.she is thinking of doing Skype as there will be finalist interview if selected.

What do you suggest we are OOS for UoRochester.Thank you all.


I donā€™t know much about either Rems or Rochester but on face of it, appears to be for the university and not for the program. My general impression is that if you have a chance to go meet the interviewer in person, always do that if driving distance is not prohibitive. If not, donā€™t worry and go for the Skype option.

I presume you are from CA and thatā€™s why they are pairing your DD up with some local alumnus there. You may want to find out a little back ground on the interviewer if possible, such as for example checking on Linkedin etc to see if he or she has a profile posted so it may give you some context to think about any common ground or what questions DD may ask the interviewer when it is her turn.

2 of Dā€™s best interviews were in person face to face with Yale and MIT alumni. We felt the oneā€™s done over the Skype were somehow not that effective. (She also had a face to face with a Stanford one which didnā€™t go well, but it was not Dā€™s fault though).

@whitecane Did the invite say that itā€™s an alumni interview? I remember seeing a similar optional invite to meet Admissions Officer a few weeks back. This, I was told, was to demonstrate interest to the UofR. It was not for the REMS program, and also not by alumni. The invite gave options to meet the AO who was visiting our region (at Starbucks), or schedule a Skype call or visit the campus. It was an optional interview. UofR has few optional items like family/community LOR, in addition to the interview.

@rk2017 @RedMan108

Appreciate your feedback.D decided to take inperson interview.Yes it is an alumini interview onlyā€¦ but there is a section about why rochester? your academic and extracurricular interests? Write 100 words each section and then submit the request. We did receive additional family/community LOR request as well l.

As per the REMS website, the REMS interview is mandatory on the medical school campus. It is the undergraduate interview that you were offered.


Thatā€™s what I thought too.Thank you!

May your blessings be multiplied this year and throughout all your life.

May your home be filled with laughter and happiness!

Wish you all a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

Anybody have updates on Penn State?

@NoviceDad Thank you very much for your greetings.

Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving.

Penn State interview notifications came out mid- December last year but they might come out earlier this year because the application deadline was a month earlier @redmen1220

I still havenā€™t gotten anything agh

Anybody here apply to Oxford Med?

Any idea when VCU will start sending the finalist notifications?