Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@BigMan1234, called Penn State admissions and I was told that they will keep sending notifications as they review the applications and the last date to hear about their notification is Dec 24th.


Based on the subset of data you have given, I would say his scores and achievements are more or less similar to most of the students applying for these programs. However I am surprised when I read that he applied to couple of programs. Even though I myself am a proponet of applying to a limited but well researched programs, I feel applying just to a couple of programs may not yield any interviews and admissions at all. You may want to refer to the results thread of past couple of years, 2018 and 17.

Any reason he has applied to so few? Is he serious about this route or considering this as just a backup just in case he doesn’t get into one of those “dream” schools?

These programs all look for different things in candidates, some give lot of weight to research and some other for academics (gpa) and test scores and some other for volunteering and life experiences. Also you need to impress that you are serious about getting into medicine and what makes you do so. It is so unpredictable even for the best candidates. Like for example, in last year’s thread came across profile of a student who didn’t get into a single program despite her tremendous research profile and equally impressive everything else. She wasn’t interviewed/accepted into even programs of research intensive institutions such as Boston, even as she got into few Ivies like Yale in traditional route. So considering the high unpredictable nature of the process, I would recommend applying to few more programs that are still accepting applications.

Thanks @rk2017 my S did apply to around 8 programs and he is really interested in BS/MD program, his GPA is 4.44/4.0 scale.
He was invited for Baylor2 MD program and waiting to here sometime this week or early next week regarding BCM interview.
He did apply to RICE/BCM, RPI/ABC, BUSMED, Penn State,Case Western, HPME, UIC GPPA

Good to hear that, but again considering the high unpredictable nature, always good to have plans for good traditional route programs that are conducive for the pre-med track.

@sajju786 - Medical schools no longer value humanitarian and medical missions abroad unless they are done for extended periods and also they are very apprehensive about kids providing direct medical care or procedures.

@BigMan1234, called Penn State admissions and I was told that they will keep sending notifications as they review the applications and the last date to hear about their notification is Dec 24th.

Thanks for replying @srk2017 and @rk2017

@rk2017 yes will be applying regular decision for some premed programs by end of year/Jan1st

@rk2017, @srk2017 
 My S did apply for CNU in California and did receive the admission to their 6yrs BS/MD Program but I am little bit concerned about that program and probably will withdraw. Any info or advise on it?

Any good Pre-Med programs that help them to get into the medical school??? Pls advice

@sajju786 There is a lot of info on CNU. Just search for CNu on the search icon of this thread and in general on this site.

Thanks @RedMan108 I am skeptical about CNU and with no scholarship or any federal loans it will cost around 500K till my S finishes his school, so withdrawing most likely we have time till following Monday to respond.

Any info on Oklahoma University 7yrs Humanities Medical Scholars program, still have time to apply for it till Dec 15th, should we apply for it?

@sajju786 Yes, several concerns were expressed regarding CNU. As I understand, you just have to pay some nominal ($100?) non-binding deposit at this time and have time till April/May to confirm. So, if you are not sure, perhaps you could pay that minimal deposit and decide on it at a later time. CNU, being a for-profit school I understand that one cannot get federal loans as well, forget about scholarships.


I would suggest to talk to your high school counselors if you haven’t already done so. They may have good ideas as to where students from your school have gone and thrived academically. Also try to get hold of former students from your school if possible and get their takes. Explore about your state school, how academically challenging it is over there, what kind of research/medical ecs are available there, the bandwidth one can have to pursue them etc.

Thanks @RedMan108

@rk2017 Thx

@sajju786 Jan 14 for UO, not Dec 15.

Anybody apply to Siena/AMC?

Thanks @Cherax

For the type of students applying for BS/MD, don’t waste time on CNU. Even if $100 is affordable, give that to some home less man or to any charity and get blessings during holidays.*

OU: (not UO!) Though Mid Jan may be due date for BS/MD program, you should have been applied / admitted for the UG and also Honors program. So dive into details and procrastinate. It is a good program, especially for any one who is 110% sure about medicine and also feel finance is tight (since they give merit aid). It is 8 year program but flexible and some students graduate in 7 years also.

*- Not trying to be mean on CNU. It is a medical school and may be right choice for some, especially down the road if some one not able to get admission during MD regular cycle etc.,