Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

My advice for the parents here is to not pass on your concerns, doubts and apprehensions to your children, unless you have to involve them for something at some point of time. You are kind of acting as a filter for all this uncertainty that comes as a baggage for this process.

@sajju786, Yes, email notification came on Nov 19, for the Jan 16th Interview .

When did u apply ?

@diaash, Application sent on 10/28.

I applied around same time . M getting anxious now

CAn anybody tell me about premed track at Rutgers? How good it will prepare kids for Medicine?

See Post#821, Posted by @bamd, looks like Penn state review applications until Dec 24th.

Congratulations @cy2019bsmd, we also applied early October by my S did not get an interview yet.

Might not be applicable to most of you, but, just in case if you applied to Stanford restrictive early action (non-binding REA) the results will be out this Friday (Dec 7) at 4pm PST. The originally scheduled date was Dec 14.

@sajju786, Thank you, I hope you and many others who are waiting will hear soon, It is very difficult to predict how the BS/MD selections for interviews as well admissions.

Does having an unweighted gpa of 3.7 to 3.9 weeds out the application at the first stage itself for all the bsmd programs? Do they consider weighted gpa? Course rigor?

Called Penn State, …spoke with counselor initially she said the letters go out till end of Jan, when I asked her when would be the interview in Feb or March she then tracked back and said you should hear something by end of December… so I guess we are not getting an interview form Penn State :frowning: :((
Feeling sad will hold it from my son he will feel depressed…

From penn state got this reply today at 11.00am
Thank you for submitting your application. You should continue to monitor your MyPennState account as that will give you the most up to date messaging about the status of your application.

The initial review of these applications will start in the next few weeks. If you are selected to move forward in the process you will receive an email with next steps.

Don’t loose hopes

Thanks @whitecane

My son is scheduled for Penn State Honors College interview via Skype on Saturday… should I just go ahead and cancel it?

No, don’t cancel. If not anything, it will give him some practice for upcoming interviews. Don’t rule out anything yet.

ok thanks @rk2017

@Mahikesh Here is Rutgers-NB statistics for regular applicants from the institute who applied to MD programs in USA for 2017. It claims 50% acceptance. It gives you indication of GPA ranges expected by Medical Schools. They have a large pool going into NJMS and RWJMS.

Avg MCAT % Rank for MD 511
Avg CUM GPA for MD 3.7
Avg BCPM ( Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math) GPA for MD 3.62

@sjju786 Do not accept PSU honors college without BSMD being out of state. Your UIC GPPA in IL may be a better deal.

Thanks @grtd2010 …Yes if no BSMD the OOS will be very costly for us any place.
Will probably apply locally in Illinois for PreMed as back up.