Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@Mahikesh Here is Rutgers-NB statistics for regular applicants from the institute who applied to MD programs in USA for 2017. The gpa distribution for those who matriculated to a medical school.

Cumulative GPA based distribution
3.90 - 4.00 48 out of 56 matriculated = 86%
3.80 - 3.89 30 out of 46 matriculated = 65%
3.70 - 3.79 32 out of 48 matriculated = 67%
3.60 - 3.69 40 out of 52 matriculated = 77%
3.50 - 3.59 27 out of 54 matriculated = 50%
3.49 - 3.49 26 out of 63 matriculated = 41%

  • 3.30 - 3.39 12 out of 36 matriculated = 33%
  • 3.20 - 3.29 14 out of 38 matriculated = 37%
  • 3.10 - 3.19 14 out of 41 matriculated = 34%
  • 3.00 - 3.09 2 out of 22 matriculated = 9%
  • below 3.00 6 out of 44 matriculated = 14%

* 50%-80% of these students completed graduate work prior to being accepted to medical school

Interesting, even low GPA candidates have a hope (3.0-3.5) after graduate work.

93/169 students of students in 3.49-3.69 range = 55% got accepted to med schools? Sounds too good to be true, unless med schools are factoring in potential grade deflation at the school, which I highly doubt. Or they have had something else truly extraordinary. Well good for them if true.
I know couple of students from the school who fall in the middle to upper ranges of that spread, who straight away enrolled in graduate studies even without attempting MCAT since they don’t feel confident it will take them somewhere. Wish they had come across this statistics earlier on.

@sajju786 I know Vanderbilt doesn’t have BSMD (my son is a student there). I thought your son is applying for regular UG and if thats the case you should be aware of scholarship deadlines also.

Hello everyone!!! Glad to be part of this great forum. Good wealth of information and experts!!

D got rejected pre interview for Rpi/ Amc.Rpi invited to apply for undergraduate.First rejection
AMC is Gpa focused.

Did anyone apply to Drew/NJMS? I received an interview invite

@srk2017 Does Vanderbilt have good PreMed Program, also how much scholarship do you get?

@whitecane hopefully she will get into one of the other BS/MD Programs, we did not hear so far from RPI/AMC
how were you notified?

@sajju786 Got an email stating that portal got updated and when logged in to the portal it said that AMC cannot give a spot in bsmd.D is so upset and shook about the decision.We decided to be open to all the options going forward.
Lesson learned dont stress on rigor be moderate in taking honors/ap classes dont let your unweighted gpa drag down :frowning:

@whitecane yes we also will be applying to regular PreMed Programs in IL, we will be applying to UIC Urbana Champaign ranked 46 best University in 2019 by US News also as instate will be cheap for us.
Loyola University in Chicago too.

@whitecane after what I heard from Councelor from Penn State regarding my S application we also got shook up
anyways as @NoviceDad @rk2017 @srk2017 other pointed out we need to have a backup plan with regular PreMeds too

@whitecane , if u don’t mind sharing , what is ur d’s gpa


Rejection is part of this roller-coaster ride.
If you apply at 10-12 places, expect rejection at more than half of them.
That is why the key is to apply broadly and not get disheartened. The season has just started and will extend till April.

Re: regular undergrad fees:
Note many private colleges meet demonstrated need. If your family income is less than ~80k/ yr, you can practically get a full ride at a private institution. If income < ~120k, you will get substantial need based grants. In many cases, it makes cheaper than in-state tuition. Between 120k -160k is a grey area.
So don’t rule our good private colleges just due to their high “list” price.


@diaash she has 3.77uw as of junior year and can get 3.84 by sr year.Her weighted is 4.6 by jr yr and 4.7 ish by sr yr.15 Aps and 3 honors.Act score 35/12 essay.Math 2 800 Chem 770.500 hrs of research publishing in 2019 may.And many more ecs
its unweighted gpa as I understood

I got accepted into Toledo Bacc2MD for Bioengineering. While this isn’t full blown BsMD program it garuntees an interview and has about a 90% acceptance rate to UT medical school

Thanks for encouraging words @NoviceDad

@sajju786 we dont have high hopes on penn state application aswell.

@whitecane Wow you D’s stats are excellent

College do look at course distribution.
Rigor is usually appreciated.
I have been told my many college admissions folks that getting an A- on an AP level course is better than getting an A+ on an academic level course.

However how colleges decide who to call for interviews among equally qualified students is a mystery.