Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@FutureSurgeon27 Univ of Toledo Bac2MD is not guarantee MD program… Did you receive an acceptance to the University of Toledo or the Bac2MD Program?

@NoviceDad @srk2017 @GoldenStateDad my son is a National Merit Semifinalist and will become National Merit Finalist as he scored 1550 on recent SAT…would this have any impact on the BS/MD interviews?

@Mahikesh @grtd2010 @rk2017

Did they indicate which medical schools? Does this stats include students admitted to medical schools in Caribbean?

NMF is viewed positively by colleges and CAN help you get over other qualified students.
But it one factor out of many.

Thanks @NoviceDad

@NoviceDad It is only US medical schools. They have listed all US medical schools (as well as DO). Posted only medical school grade distribution.
The complete report is available at

@whitecane Usually it is unweighted GPA for most BSMD programs. You are competing with 4.0 UW GPA and nearly perfect standard test scores. It will be a little easier via regular UG route. It seems that a UG GPA > 3.7 and a MCAT score > 512 has a decent chance to matriculate into a medical school.


My son is only keen on integrated Medical programs and we are Illinois residents, I see that OU gives merit awards but my son unfortunately is not a NMSF (missed cutoff by a point in IL) though he has a perfect ACT in his first attempt. Is there any other merit awards apart from NMSF awards at OU? He has 3.95 unweighted GPA and 4.63 weighted GPA. He has 13 plus AP courses and will be a National AP Scholar and from one of the top rated high schools from suburbs of Chicago. The school doesn’t give out ranks but I am sure he is in top 1% if not 2% out of 700 seniors. He has lot of shadowing hours as well as lot of volunteering hours. He is in NHS executive board and also a Vice President of a Tutoring house since 9th grade and have tons of volunteering hours tutoring. We are Indian Americans. I see that OU only admits 5 to their BA/MD program, is it worth for my son to try? Is there any chance for him at OU given the above profile? Thanks for any feedback!

Hello, my S got Penn State interview notification as well, and RPI/AMC supplement. Zero movements in other programs that he applied to. I have been doing a lot of research and follow-ups and triage of his emails while letting my S focus on his senior year (yes, my S shared his email account with me). Hoping to learn from you all, and contribute in any way I can to this forum.

@whitecane Sorry about AMC, and I am sure you will see some positive updates soon. Regarding AMC, did you receive AMC rejection after submitting AMC supplementals, or before supplementals? We submitted AMC supplemental around Nov 26 and did not hear anything after that.

@GoldenStateDad she did not get the supplement from AMC.On a little positive note she received supplemental from HPME and Pitts GAP.

I got an interview invite from Drew and NJIT. Can somebody suggest what I should prepare for?


While I encourage folks to consider applying to private schools (shared some info too on Emory and Northeastern), the calculation based on family income is not that straight forward. They look at the combination of assets and income. For example someone sitting in a million dollar home with parents out of job for past few months is very unlikely to get any.
Also they look at factors like number of siblings in college concurrently. Usually the 1 st child is always at a disadvantage. Even if he or she has 4 younger siblings in schools, they don’t factor it in. Also they look at 529 and other financial vehicles. Don’t remember about retirement savings.

@WGSK88 There are always other Merit Scholarships, sometimes may not be listed and you may have to ask Counselors of IL state for that particular University.

Congratulations @GoldenStateDad for getting Penn interview and RPI/AMC Supplements.

Rpi/amc have supplements invite after submission of application?

@sajju786 - I doubt that NMF carries much weight given that most candidates have near perfect scores and GPA. All comes down ECs and how articulate they are in the essays and regional preferences. As per Vanderbilt they do have good pre-med office but have to work for the grades i.e. there is no grade inflation.


Yes, RPI forwards the application to AMC and AMC sends the supplementals giving one week to submit them


Thank you.

When did u submit ur Rpi application?