Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019




Thank you. It’s for my son.

Has anyone gone through the interview processes yet? How are they?
Also, any updates from SMKC, SLU or Purchase/SUNY?

@grtd2010 That’s not what I said. I said that when compared to other programs of the same level, the cost and the rigor of Boston’s program doesn’t make sense for me personally. I have absolutely zero problem taking the MCAT if I’m working my tail off at Stanford (my dream school, where I know I would be happy), but I don’t see the point of going to a university like Boston where I would be paying the same amount, wouldn’t be as happy, and would be studying just as hard just because I would be driven by fear of failure. I was discussing the pros/cons of this potential choice in comparison to my other option. Please read carefully (and in the context of the situation) before randomly attacking people on this thread :slight_smile:

@dreamsophiedavis Hey sorry, ive been busy so I haven’t checked this site in a while. I dont think he had to retake anything. i think all he had to do was reinterview. I dont know if it’ll happen again because it’s the first time that I’ve heard it happen. You can try calling the school and asking if you’d be able to apply asain as a transfer student


Looks like you already made up your mind on going to your dream school. No point in thinking about this stream and wasting your time and others’ here. Good luck with Stanford!

In last years thread I think someone gave feedback on the AMC interview - panel interview and 1:1 - please double check the thread.

Hi everyone! Does anyone happen to know if Baylor2Baylor has released decisions about the first round (for interviews) from the November event? I’ve noticed some confusion and was wondering if anyone has applied/heard from them :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Does anyone know how good Augusta BSMD program is?

SLU is an early application program- not a guaranteed program.

Congratulations to all on your movements.

I am very happy you have a dream school and more importantly you have received admission into the same.

Not everyone gets such an opportunity.

All the very best.

Here’s a toast to Stanford.

Check the medical school match list and compare with Jeff and Baylor match List that I had posted earlier.
Link to Augusta match list is here:

Someone confirmed that Rutgers started their initial phone interview (to shortlist and forward to NJMS).

@brown2024 Thank you. Will check.


Novice question. How do we compare and decide between two colleges based upon match list?

AMC supplemental essays with only 7 days due sucks! I got a semester exam to study:(


Looks like you already made up your mind on going to your dream school.



Don’t get me wrong, you may still have some uncertainty on the career path i.e. traditional or direct route. But for all practical purposes evaluate the chances via this route. Pitt may most likely not call you for interview since from your own comments you don’t seem to have perfect scores (even if they give you full ride for undergrad). Roch has very limited intake of 10 or so and certainly highly unpredictable. BU is not appealing to you. That leaves you with cwru.
Just banking on one program is highly unrealistic unless as someone said earlier, you have a Nobel prize, an Olympic gold medal or know their biggest donor personally (who is willing to make that phone call to their president) or at a bare minimum, you are an URM or a double legacy or one of your parents works there.

My unsolicited advice, enjoy your dream of 6 years and reevaluate after a year or two and act accordingly.

Advice/Question regarding Union/AMC

My D is into research (300+ hours)/medical volunteering/shadowing(300+ hours), but decided to apply for Union and got supplement. She do not have any leadership roles. Does lack of leadership experiences negatively affect her interview chances?

Your D must’ve had leadership role of some kind I assume, otherwise I am surprised he/she got a supplement. They do place a high priority on leadership skills and the history of any leadership. Leadership doesn’t always mean someone was the student council president or secretary of NHS, though. If a student has led a fundraising drive for a charity or was a peer leader or anything that shows -initiative- on the student’s part can all be considered leadership skills. That’s what you’ll need to focus on in your supplement essays. To show initiative and a vision for the future to make things better in healthcare. Also helps if you have healthcare policy/administration related experience. Not too late still to get some kind of experience like that. If you’ve the chance to move forward in their application process that’ll help your D. The holiday break is a nice time to take the initiative help others and help yourself in the process. Lol.