Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Just a reminder to y’all- don’t get hyped up over RPI and Union AMC.

I got both supplements last year, and got rejected 3 days after I submitted both of them. It seems as if AMC gives everyone who gets forwarded the supplements- perhaps to make a lot of money? (since they have exorbitant application fees).

Anyways, it seems as if AMC really emphasizes grades so don’t get your hopes to high unless you have extremely stellar grades.

@@onceand4all (others) Good luck to you at Stanford. MCAT is just the first test you take if you are going to be a MD. There are plenty of other examinations and certification tests that you have to take during your long career as a MD. That is the point of the post, Not attacking anyone.

Agree with @GreenPoison about not getting excited about supplements. All those who are forwarded by feeder school will probably get it. It is a great revenue generator for medical schools. Some medical schools automatically send you secondary for those meeting a cut-off threshold. It is very useful during the interview to talk about if you get one.

@@onceand4all Stanford is a great opportunity for anyone. CS (AI) is an excellent area to study at Stanford.

@GreenPoison Thanks for the warning. I wonder how many the colleges forward to AMC. Out of curiousity, did you end up attending a different BSMD program?

Check the following for RPI-AMC:

@gallentjill FYI @GreenPoison is attending TCNJ/NJMS ( He is a NJ resident ).

All seniors - good luck with mid-term exams! Enjoy your last year of high school.

@GoldenStateDad, @gallentjill,
It may not be 750-800 applicants this year as quoted in the link, since they are forbidding applying to multiple feeder schools like in the past when the same applicant could apply through 1-3 schools, thereby contributing to double or triple counting.

There is no hard science.
It is a proxy which I am comfortable with.

I use ratio of students getting in family med and psychology (lower end of Step 1 score is around 210) To total students as one metric.

Another is the ratio of hard to get specialties like dermatology, plastic surgery, radiation oncology, etc to total students.

I deduce A college where you see more students get into specialty matches as having a stronger medical program.

Note: About 12.7% of all medical residency seats are for Family medicine.
NU’s percentage of students going to family medicine is < 4%.

@onceand4all Your intended major is Psychology at Stanford. My DD did research in
Laura Carstensen’s lab during Summer College for High School students and took classes (CS) at Stanford.

All who are receiving rejection emails

Please do not read too much into these rejections. There is no specific reason that causes rejection - it may boil down to you being on the wrong side of a college’s yield management.

Thinking my GPA is not perfect or I had no research or I had less shadow hours or I am ORM or something else may NOT be the reason for rejection.

Also, note out of 10-12 or 15 colleges you apply, you are bound to get rejections for some places.

It is very likely you may be rejected from a “lower” grade college and called for interviews by a “higher” grade college.

When did you get SBU email?

@ongnge When did you get SBU email?

@SBSapphire Dec/10

I just wanted to chime in on the perception that AMC focuses on grades as a current student in the program (Union/AMC). I do not think that AMC is overly concerned with grades. Personally my High School GPA was not as good as many of my peers who were at the AMC interview with me. I think having a well rounded application that has research, volunteering, leadership, and a pretty good GPA is what AMC is looking for. Also when looking at what AMC wants from us during our Undergraduate years, the GPA requirement is really not that tough to meet as it is only 3.5 overall and in Math/Science GPA. I also wanted to pass on that the interview format for AMC has changed in recent years, as I talked to some of the newer people in the program and they said it was an MMI format. Remember that rejection is not the worst thing in the world and that there are many other paths open to you if you want to end up practicing medicine. Good luck to all!

Thank you - that’s very useful. Just curious why you chose Union/AMC over SBU SOM and Case Program?

@brown2024 I will say that I liked all three schools when I visited them, but Union was my favorite of the three. In terms of the Case Program I was a little put off by the 94th percentile requirement on the MCAT if I was to take it and for Stonybrook I was not thrilled with the idea of having to take the MCAT no matter what. Union allows me to choose if I want to take the MCAT and even if I do decide to take it, they do not have a minimum score requirement. I was also drawn to the idea of getting an MBA or MS in Healthcare Management, as I believe it would be useful when I (hopefully) become a physician. In general it just boiled down to the fact that I felt Union was a good fit for me, especially with the MBA, and allowed me a lot more freedom in choosing my course of study and whether or not I would take the MCAT.

Reg RPI-AMC interview format, while AMC interview invite says it as MMI, last year it was 1:1 interview and a group interview. I called AMC today and to confirm the same. If you are invited to the AMC interview, I suggest you call the office to confirm the format. Good Luck!

@GoldenStateDad Thank you for saying that. I forgot to clarify that my info about interview format came only from Union/AMC students.