Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

That is pretty interesting, how you chose what program to attend. Yes, having the freedom to pursue what one really likes to study, besides the regular core requirements, is a great option.

Just curious on the financial side if you don’t mind sharing. Since you got into two NY based programs, besides cwru, guess you are a NY resident? In which case you may have gotten full ride from Stony Brook? Union being a private institution matched that scholarship amount, if any?

Yes I am a NY resident. If I remember correctly I got the Presidential scholarship from Stony Brook which is standard for all of the applicants who get into the Honors Program (which the Scholars of Medicine is a part of). That scholarship only covered tuition for me so I would still be paying for housing. Obviously, Union is more expensive that Stony Brook but they also gave me a pretty nice scholarship (22,000$) but overall it was still significantly more expensive than Stony Brook. In the end I was able to choose Union because I am lucky to have parents who put money aside for my education.

Kudos to your parents =D> Thanks for sharing, I am sure will be helpful to others applying this cycle!

Does anyone know when BU and UCONN interview invites come out?

@whitecane @rk2017 and all pre-med crowd at College Confidential

Yes, RPI is a good school… especially for a pre-med student since this school allows one to conduct research starting freshman year. Many of the BS MD students in our son’s class received summa cum laude distinction… so I believe that most of College Confidential crowd will do just fine at RPI. To give an example, I am posting a discussion of a pre-med in Reddit:

level 1
BCBP / BFMB 2014
2 points
3 years ago
I know a girl who used to be on RPI ambulance and circle k who took a year off to study for mcat, volunteers, apply, and all that jazz - and she got into Yale medical. She wasn’t even one of the stereotypical competitive pre-meds either. She was also in the undergrad cancer research group as well

As you can see from the above example, NOT getting into a BSMD program is NOT the end of the world.
One of my patients who attended a BSMD program dropped out from his program… but he eventually became a doctor by not giving up… he went through a Caribbean medical school and subsequently did a residency in US.
Also, NOT getting into an IVY or other big name school is NOT a big deal. One of my patient’s nephew is doing a residency at Mass General in internal medicine, and he went to an university ranked near 80 in the nation.
Another patient, who went to university also ranked near 80, got into 3 medical schools. He chose a medical school, which gave him merit scholarship.

So relax… there are many options and routes of becoming a physician: MD/DO/Caribbean/FMS But the road is long and arduous… so you must have a right reason and passion to pursue this long journey. For me, I wouldn’t trade my job with anybody in the world. Our patients and I have mutual respect for each other, and I attend lunches, dinners, weddings and even funerals NOT as a physician but as a friend to our patients. I guess I might not have the biggest house or fanciest car in the neighborhood, but I feel loved by my patients. I do appreciate each one of them.

Recommended reading list:
Becoming Dr. Q ( I didn’t finish this book… I gave it away to my patient.)
Of Blood and Hope
A Hope in the Unseen
Living, Loving and Learning
The Road Less Traveled

Good luck!

Thanks @upstream for confirming with your first hand knowledge. But in general RPI is considered one of the grade deflated schools, isn’t it? Again, as I mentioned earlier may not be an issue if a student goes in with good number of AP credits, so they don’t have to tackle the tough graded foundation courses.

Regarding summa cum laude and similar honors, it could be again school specific right, in terms of absolute gpa? For example in a regular state school, it could mean top 5% which may mean say a > 3.9. In RPI, the same could mean, say a 3.6. Then won’t the summa cum laudes of RPI won’t be at a disadvantage compared to their peer summa cum laudes of other schools?

Would like to know your take on this.


Here is the breakdown of honors at RPI:

If you are an undergraduate student with a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher, you will receive special recognition with one of the following inscriptions included on your diploma and academic transcript:

Cum Laude 3.50 - 3.69
Magna Cum Laude 3.70 - 3.89
Summa Cum Laude 3.90 - 4.00

Yes, we also worried about RPI being one of the grade deflated schools, but he was able to maintain GPA above 3.90 while participating in a varsity sport, which required 2 to 3 hours of practice almost everyday with weekend meets as well. I guess if a student is BSMD caliber, one should not have problem maintaining high GPA (3.7). He took one of introductory Chem even though he got 5 on AP. He also took Calculus and Physics as well. His hardest class was Poetry class, which he took as an elective.

Hofstra portal says -I’m in for the undergraduate! Anyone knows about when BSMD portal would be open and what to expect?

Any info on BS/MD for Drexel interviews?

@bsmdonly Their website says that supplements will be released around Jan 1.

Good to know @upstream on the pre-med side! Also on the BS/MD side RPI saves a year I believe.

What is MMI interview format?

Has anyone applied to Boston University’s accelerated medical program? If so, do you know when we’re supposed to hear back? Their website doesn’t have much information about that. J wondering if anyone knew before I call them.


Someone commented earlier on this, check the messages for that past week or so here and you should find that info.

Got PennState rejection today

Pennstate bsmd rejected but offered admission to eberly college of science how good is this college?We dont know anything about this college.:frowning:

Any information on CWRU BS/MD yet?


From last few years trend, CWRU and Rochester release the interview -shortlist towards the end of January. CWRU typically releases on 3rd or 4th Saturday of the month so that the folks are not disturbed by the news during the mid-week if they are not selected for the interview.

@whitecane did you receive an email fro Penn State ?

@vmt1975 No D checked the decision in her portal today morning.