Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

General notes / tips:

Bottom left (near the page numbers) there is an icon for search. You can put any thing like Hofstra or HPME or PLME and search any posts in previous years threads quickly to get answer to many of the questions you are all posting. Like when does Hofstra will start notifying for interview etc.

Last year PennState/ Jeff came out 3 weeks after interviews


Many colleges ask for mid-term grades.
Most admissions are conditionally on successful completion of senior at a certain grade.


Many colleges ask for mid-term grades.
Most admissions are conditional on successful completion of senior year at a certain grade.

Thanks @rdk2018 and @GoldenRock

for UAB BSMD when do we know if we are going to be interviewed?

Anyone know when UCONN SPIM interview comes out?

Thanks @NoviceDad

Seconded for questions 1428 and 1429 ^^ regarding UConn and UAB interviews.

@sajju786 I have not yet been contacted for a BU interview, and I have not yet been contacted by AMC either, so it is unknown if I will see you at either. Did your D apply to SBU?

Penn state is student driven meaning students[senior BSMD students] conduct an interview and the other one is with a medical school professor.Interaction with students is important.Do the mixers if you can i.e staying overnight.
All interviews-be it Boston,RPI or PENN read your essays well-will be asked about shadowing etc


Just curious what can a med school faculty member talk to anyone for an hour without getting into healthcare related stuff at some point, in some shape or form?


Can you elaborate on ā€œcertain gradeā€. You mean at the completion of the entire year or just the first half? Is it overall gpa or a minimum in each subject? I donā€™t see any issue in students pulling up their grades that may have been affected by the 1st term bcoz of all going on with them.
(D had a B in AP physics C by midterm, one of the toughest teachers and subjects in their school, which she pulled up to A- by the end the year. And she aced both physics courses in college taught by a Stanford PhD)

There are quite a few things that an interviewer can ask.Usually why medicine?Why do you want to become a doctor?Then discuss your essays-Shadowing-ECā€™s-Trust me,an hour may not be enough especially if the candidate also engages enthusiastically in the discussion.
Ethics,healthcare can certainly come up-as it did in the RPI-

@Cherax hopefully you get interview soonā€¦praying for all kids who worked hard all through high school.

We have to upload the SBU essay that we will do during his winter breakā€¦

@sajju786 Is it a supplemental for SBU? My son will have the interview Feb/2, but we donā€™t see any request for an extra essay.


Thanks. If we take last year trend as a benchmark, PennState will probably the first one to release the finalists this year (~ Feb first week, 3 weeks from Jan 16 interview date)


There are very few true BS/MD direct programs, rest are some sort of scholar/professional/binding as long as you maintain certain academic performance. That later part is double edge sword.

a) If you are not able to maintain GPA, then why to even bother to pursue medicine.
b) If you are smart enough to maintain GAP, why tied yourself to one medical school.

Specific to SLU, med school seat is guaranteed as long as you maintain ~3.7 GPA (double check that number). Then MCAT is mere formality. If you decide to opt out to other medical schools, then you forfeit your med school seat upfront, before you start applying to other medical schools.

Received Alumna interviews from Rice and NUā€¦little surprised with NU.


It is like half glass full, this idea that just because you can get into a BS/MD school means you guaranteed be quality Dr and/or success in life is inherently wrong.
On other hand top UG school opens up major door in healthcare industry, not just a hardcore Dr. Why someone wants to be Dr from a low tier BS/MD program, if they believe in their potential and things can change so much in next 10 years.
So risk is always out there. As far as Ivy goes, it is true about grade deflation hype, but guess what those kids may be doing? running health care organizations where they hire all BS/MD Drs (just reality dose, my son is not in Ivy nor direct BS/MD).

Congratulations to those who scored atleast one interview. Just hang in tight, roller coaster for interview, denials, casual alumni interview. is just beginning and more excitement still to come in 2019. At the end every students finds their destiny where they are most likely to thrive.