Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

I am talking about SBU Honors college essay

@sajju786 You submitted the BS/MD application right?

Most colleges are language similar to this in their offer letters

ā€œ conditional on review of final grades and successful completion of senior year.ā€
Too much drop in grades can give colleges an opportunity to rescind an offer - especially if they are keen to manage their yields.

Not to mention many scholarships require students to maintain grades - you may lose them if grades drop.

Also admissions to Honors College May be requirement for BS/MD and you may lose that part of admissions if you grades drop.

Why take that risk?

Why do you want to take a mental vacation just because you have an offer.
The entire summer is available for both mental and physical vacation.

Yes, if it remains the same this year.

I suggest you ask them during the orientation on interview day.
I had found them very open in answering our questions.


Why someone wants to be Dr from a low tier BS/MD program, if they believe in their potential and things can change so much in next 10 years



There are no low tier med schools as far as I am concerned and understand. They are all accredited by a well reputed organization. As some one said earlier, one gets paid the same by insurance companies whether an MD from Harvard or Howard University.


but guess what those kids may be doing? running health care organizations where they hire all BS/MD Drs


How many such positions are out there? Can someone just get to such positions based on their undergrad degrees from an Ivy? Donā€™t they need an MBA? What are the chances of getting into a good MBA with possibly messed up gpa from an Ivy? (I donā€™t know)


NU (Northeastern) got real competitive this year with 19% acceptance rate. That is without all the gimmicks and tricks used by better known schools to boost up their yields by ED. Also since NU is generous with merit awards, they may want to use alumni feed back to assess the likelihood of someone joining them and how much break from sticker price to award.


Re: Ivyes and kids running organizations

In any hospital set up, the power always lies with the doctors (even if you are the CEO or CFO or CIO). And I say this as someone who has been a CFO of a small hospital.


Very much agree with @NoviceDad & @rk2017. Insurance companies pay exactly the same irrespective of where you went to medical school. Whether it is in clinical medicine, academia or research, MDā€™s still call the shots in healthcare for most part. Most graduates from Ivy leagues are not running healthcare organizations or hiring physicians, neither do physicians look up to CEOā€™s of their organizations like in other industries.

Any medical school will make you a good doctor. The ā€˜prestigeā€™ or ā€˜rankingā€™ doesnā€™t matter. I wish kids (and their parents) would stop obsessing about it and rather focus on becoming good, kind, and compassionate doctors (and human beings).

When you have a kid who wants to be a practicing MD more than anything in the world, the chance of some kind of ā€œguaranteedā€ spot is hard to ignore. The kid who has spent her life dreaming of actually practicing medicine isnā€™t going to be happy as a CEO of a healtcare organization. It isnā€™t about wealth or prestige for some of these kids. Its about actually wanting to be a doctor.

Just discovered this forum!
We will be interviewing for Penn State PMM and wondered how many of you are planning on staying overnight with current students. Does it affect admission, since program/ Interview was said to be student driven?
While Iā€™m sure it would be personally informative, concerned about proper rest prior to interview.

@rose2019 we are debating tooā€¦not sure if itā€™s worth it. On a normal day, I think itā€™s a great idea, perhaps after the interview/results to decide on a college, but not the night before the big day? We received a similar invite from OU, not as part of the interview but just to spend a night with the NMF scholars, which makes sense.

@rose2019, @GoldenStateDad
Staying overnight has NO bearing on your selection at PMM.
Last year, my D did NOT do it and she was accepted into the program.

Any more Yes or No from AMC or calls from BU?


Seriously, we should tell all kids just go to Caribbean, nice tropical weather all year and also be a good doctor.

Totally agree on quality of any Dr, and thatā€™s why Dr is not just science academia, it involves lots of humanitarian, research aspect that not all schools are capable of providing resources.

@rk2017 also reference to Ivy kids, who may be victim of grade deflation from UG point of view, is about their potential, didnā€™t want to imply wealth or financial aspect.

@NoviceDad glad to know your background, we equally know mucky part of healthcare industry and how insurance companies (business aspect) manages everything, consumer just become a money making machine for insurance and hospitals.Remember those days when insurance would define your lifetime maximum 1M, become 2M, last time I remember was 5M before it become unlimited. Point trying to make is Dr role is not just to treat diseases, but also make overall uplift of society by virtue of humanitarian, policy and social aspects.

Looks like BU already called candidates for couple of rounds 1/25/ & 1/28

Did anyone from Massachusetts get an interview call from BU ?

I am no fan of health insurance companies.

These folks have changed insurance from risk-sharing and serving their subscribers to profit-making and fat CEO compensation.

I hate them so much I would nationalize them if I had a chance.

And this comes from a person who is a free-marketer and hates government getting into anything.


Agree with your comment on Dr role.

@Cherax yes BS/MD application to SBU

For HPME, do you all know if Feinburg gets you undergraduate application as well?

I have lot of foreign graduated physician friends and most of them make same or more than american graduates and are happy if their kids can get into any BSMD program (one joined CNU). However, top schools may give better residency/ fellowship and networking opportunities/connections. Also, some kids (like mine) may feel they may not getting challenged enough at some of these schools. Also if you have family or friends attended/attending top medical school that becomes a goal for some :slight_smile:

My son at the end of BSMD process felt only couple of programs are worth the full cost and he is not in a rush to finish in 7 years.