Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

My understanding is that both are separate applications.
My guess- again a guess- is a NO.

 yes you apply to NU Undergraduate and then you get a supplement to be finished by HPME that would be viewed by Fienberg School of Medicine

For these BSMD interviews, be prepared to answer -Why medicine when you are only 17 years -some cases 18 year old?This was asked at BU .


felt only couple of programs are worth the full cost and he is not in a rush to finish in 7 years.



Your son is an outlier I would say, we have many here (including kids of physicians) “dying” :slight_smile: to get into at least one of these programs, without any financial awards or aid. Look at the enrollment percentages into some of these programs lately > 80-95% of those accepted, which would put any ivy league or similar schools, with all their yield booster tricks to shame!


It is as simple as economics principle, supply and demand. If ALL BS/MD programs are so great, then why only 5% (or something like that, I may be wrong on this %) medical schools quota is from direct BS/MD program? Remaining 95% quota is being filled from UG supply. If direct BS/MDS program has that much benefits and value, all public schools in country would jump into it. Pitching Ivy vs BS/MD school is not even a comparison solely based on acceptance/yield rate.

I can understand physicians kids rational, its an established shop/business that can be easily transferred over, nothing wrong in that. But if you are newbie in healthcare field, especially, a first generation healthcare professional, you don’t want kid to get burned by low tier BS/MD program and resources commitment, rather let them explore their potential and succeed. This is precisely the reason why my son let it go SLU med scholar program and other highly regarded engineering programs (ofc it was a risky decision if bread and butter is only decision criteria).

If anyone who is able to get into PMM, GAP, CWRU, HPME, Brown, Rice/Baylor those are great programs (please don’t take it wrong if I missed a program and/or your kids are not in those programs).
BS/MD vs UG is very personal choice and everyone has their own circumstances and interest to consider. It doesn’t diminish one way or other blindly.

True, if you were following recent conversations here I did make it abundantly clear that there is no right or wrong approach 

Yes, no comparison to ivy leagues with all their backdoors or front doors to rich donors, filling up big percentages of classes with those willing to commit binding ED (except for 3 or so amongst them), legacies, discrimination towards ORM candidates and what not. The BS/MD process on the other hand is much fairer in my opinion and the pool of the kids applying this route are generally top notch and highly motivated. (On the contrary I personally know few above average kids going traditional route and ending up in Yale, UPenn, JHU and Harvard med schools or residencies). Too bad not all of these applying in this route can be accomodated to these programs with very limited supply but I am sure they will shine regardless what path they choose and what med school or what field they finally land in.

If anyone who is able to get into PMM, GAP, CWRU, HPME, Brown, Rice/Baylor those are great programs


Is PMM considered better than BU and RPI-AMC? Just curious

Is temple Is BS/MD Program? Noticed they need special application to the medical school after junior year

Does this program guarantee entry to Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine (LKSOM)?
The Pre-Med Health Scholar Program provides provisional, not guaranteed, acceptance to LKSOM. Accepted health scholars must still maintain their academic profile, take the MCAT exam, and submit a special application to the medical school during their Junior year of college. Students must have a 3.5 GPA (overall and math/science) at their time of presentation and score 75th percentile overall on the MCAT with no specific section less than a 60th percentile.

@JBourne5 I remember talking to students who were in the Temple Health Scholar program 3 years ago. They were considering their program to be a guaranteed program (although the wording in the program description seems to be a bit vague). As an aside, they also mentioned about a few of their seniors who scored high in the MCAT and applied out, discarding the guaranteed spot.

I know this is completely unrelated but do you guys know for Brown/Stanford if my teacher mailed the letter of recommendation this Wednesday, and because the admissions office is closed from today till January 2nd or so, will this make my application late?

is anyone applying to VCU? Anybody hear back from them? Also how many people have heard back from BU?

Has anyone already got interview calls for Union/AMC ?

@@PPofEngrDr MD profession is very stable and satisfying compared to healthcare administration( with a high level of job in-security). Now a days MD/MBA is a very popular choice. More likely or not an Ivy league graduate will not be a CEO who is running all over MDs. More likely, it is the other way around. All accredited medical school follow the same curriculum and every board certified MD is equally capable regardless of the medical school attended. How is your DS doing at NU ?

@JBourne5 Any program which has conditions on minimum sGPA and cGPA, minimum total MCAT score or section score is inherently NOT a guaranteed program. Both Temple and NU HPME have such requirements. If you want to be a MD, why do you care ? You are going to be working in a profession which deals with risks all the time. Not every treatment or procedure is 100% guaranteed to be successful.

Folks, I am not expecting any activity/movement on the application till Jan 2 as most of the colleges will be closed for winter break. This is a perfect opportunity to give some rest to your brain, and spent time with family and friends. Enjoy. Happy Holidays!

D got email that she was forwarded to Zucker medical school from Hofstra. But it looks like they won’t be making any interview decisions until February. Interview dates are in March.

I checked my BU portal and it said I didn’t have my senior grades submitted. Does this delay my notification results? Or am I not considered for the program anymore?

@remroll BU take time to update the portal. You can call them . They were very nice. They received the recommendation two weeks back but they didn’t update the portal. The person who answer my phone immediatly change the status. Don’t worry. Thx

@grtd2010 Thanks for elaborating MD/MBA combo, here the thread for progress report,

@gallentjill I thought Hofstra sends out med school supplements before the interview shortlist?