Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

I believe interview is mainly to see if you have decent social and communication skills. Stats, ECs and essays will be the deciding factors.

Is anyone having trouble with AMC portal for interview slots?

@ongnge I know that, I was just wondering what stats he had that got him to recieve da supplemental app + ECs?

Anybody else still waiting on anything from Siena?

Also guysā€¦ can you be accepted into GW even if you donā€™t get into the BS/MD?

Yes for GWU undergrad even with merit awards of upto 30k.

Does BU needs Mid year report before they send interview invite ? My portal says mid year report required to complete application.

Hoping that isnā€™t the caseā€¦

Also, my school hasnā€™t sent in a mid-year report yet, but my portal still says completedā€¦? Not sure why yours needs it and mine doesnā€™t.

Not sure ā€¦

Did those who received interviews submit their mid-year reports? and what is the application status of your BU portal?

@JBourne5, @Cherax,

Donā€™t think they base their decision on who to call for interview on the mid year reports. I suggest you call them up to clear up any confusion on the status of the application. Reproducing my earlier comments:

Regarding the integrity violation that BU or any school for that matter may be interested in checking before offering admission to their program, heard of a student with the highest gpa in his school, like 4.83 ish weighted and yet not declared valedictorian and rejected admissions to almost all the schools/programs he applied to.

Thank You ā€¦ Will check with BU after holidaysā€¦

I got an interview for BU they asked me to send in Senior year grades when I applied. My counselor hasnā€™t sent a mid-year report.

@glossylamp If you donā€™t mind sharing, does your portal say that your application is completed or still requires senior grades.

Reg BU - senior year grades are not required for interviews. My DS received his interview invite earlier this month and he just finished his mid-terms. The school counselor typically uploads the mid-year report as and when available. Regarding the BU portal, you can just call the school and they will clear it. My son portal was not updated with LORs but when contacted, they immediately corrected it.

Happy Holidays everyone! Thank you very much for all your valuable contributions.

Any idea why AMC is unranked by USNEWS?

Several other well known med schools are also unranked ā€¦ such as Arizona, Tulane, UT Austin and Uniformed Services. And several other well known ones are poorly ranked, such as Tufts, Michigan State and may be even Jefferson. And several not so great ones are clubbed with great schools or rated much higher than ought to be. They use messed up methodologies.

If interested and have time you can go through the thread from the beginning and find the article(s) or extracts shared criticizing their rankings.

@GoldenStateDad - I remember reading couple of years back that AMC doesnā€™t provide information to USNEWS since they donā€™t believe in the rankings.