Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Thanks, @rk2017 and @srk2017

That is right. When schools do not provide all the details to the level they requested, then ranking agency does not include (Example: AMC, Tulane). Also when schools have not operated for a set number of years (eg. Dell). UTMB is ranked in the past year or two only since now they are providing requested info or whatever the reason.

No ranking going to satisfy every one. But use them as guideline and do your research to find how it comes up to your important criteria. Do not take them literally to the exact number. Take in groups, T20, T50, T90/Rest, RNP, Unranked.

Here is a take from my perspective and examples which are mentioned in this thread due to BS/MD-DO offering or well known schools (again, it does not mean it is right or others have to agree with it)

Let us look at US News. It has 3 groups.
Ranked: 94 colleges in the ranked order
RNP: 30 colleges, ~25% of ranked but bottom most colleges ; but listed in alphabetical order.
Unranked: 50+ colleges listed in alphabetical order.

RNP: Howard, Lake Erie, Toledo, Touro, Florida Atlantic, Rowan, Michigan State, OK State

Unranked: AMC, CNU, Loma Linda, Meharry, Morehouse, Oakland, SUNYs

Need to pay more attention to unraned than RNP. Because RNP is still ranked but bottom most intheir methodology. But unranked may very well be on the ranked list also if they care to provide what is being asked or from your personal research point of view.

Just because AMC and CNU are tabulated in the same category, it does not mean anything. Obviously it does not need extensive research to understand the difference. AMC is there for 100+ years. SUNYs will meet many NY residents need. Same with Meharry and Morehouse and Oakland and Loma Linda based on their comfort and fit and what is more important.

78 Wayne state vs 94 Riverside. Both are good schools and ranked. But for some one who grew up in SB county and tight in finance, if they get both, Riverside may edge over. Same way for some one who grew up in Detroit metro WSU may edge over. Does not matter 16 ranking difference.

82 OU vs 85 Drexel. Will be a split decision and may not be easy like WSU or Riverside. OU midwest and no where in radar (Norman but is the primary school for the state and in existence for 100+ years and has all specialties) vs Drexel Philly (Big city, school and hospitals different locations ). But many may will feel strong about Drexel than OU. But if you have to compare OU 82 vs UTSW 26 (both are within 200 miles), UTSW will prevail. No time spent to analyze because one is T50 and one in T90/Rest. Use ranking as guidepost and do your research and your ranking.

Second this. Anyone???

does anyone know what questions are asked for the PSU interview? I kinda want to know the specific ones not generic ones. Thanks

Second this. Anyone??

My portal says everything is complete. For my senior year grades, I sent a report card from my first two six weeks


To your points, just wanted to point out Michigan State has two schools, allopathic and osteopathic. While the osteopathic school is RNP as you pointed out, the allopathic school is ranked somewhere in the 90s. Very difficult for me to comprehend. It is one of the good and well established schools.

@glossylamp Thanks

@glossylamp, did you turn in your unofficial grade report?

did anyone hear from Casewestern?

Any information about LECOM’s BS/DO program and the benefits/drawbacks of its affiliations?

@Kitty1002 They started reviewing apps a few weeks ago, I don’t think anybody has heard back yet.

@GoldenStateDad The USNW ranking takes into account the research $/faculty member at the school. This data is useful for research ranking of faculties at various schools. The residency matching data at a particular school will porvide an insight into the relative strength of a program, This should be done before accepting an offer.

@JBourne5 Call up BU office when they open and ask them your questions.They have already scheduled a few dates for interviews in 2019.

@Kitty1002 CWRU informs all candidates at the same time during a Saturday in Jan.

Is Hofstra a strong program?

Are we required to file CSS profile for merit-based scholarships? BU and RPI portals say that it’s pending and must be completed. We do not qualify for need-based aid. Thanks!

I did turn in a report card as an unofficial grade report for BU. This was before the semester ended.

Hope y’all are having great holidays!!

Does anybody know how many move on from the first SBU/GW interview?

VCU is sending out honors college acceptances. Assume the interview notifications follow soon if shortlisted.

I am new to this forum. My D received VCU honors college acceptance sometime last week, what are next steps to get admitted in GMED program?