Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Filling CSS is always recommended even you don’t get scholarship, if there is a chance for any scholarships college shouldn’t say you didn’t file CSS. Filling CSS is simple steps and some colleges ask more information that is based on what colleges you are applying.

I was waitlisted at Purchase but the link to accept a position on the waitlist is not working. Is anyone else having this problem? Also, does anyone have information on Purchase and their program?

@Nansand Real merit scholarships do not require CSS or any other documentation. It is unnecessary to file CSS if you do not qualify for any non-merit aid as defined by the college. Anyone can get a maximum of a $5500 student loan in the first year if you do not qualify for a federal need based aid.

I am unaware of Purchase’s guidelines for choosing applications, even for their initial screening. I believe their program prefers nonscience majors but accepts science ones as well, and they don’t have any supplemental information or essays for applying to their GEP, so I assume they base their results off of test scores, transcripts, and the “Wide Open” essay (as I didn’t find a place to attach med related letters of rec or essays).

@GoldenStateDad We were required to file the CSS profile with RPI last year. They kept reminding us and my husband and I didn’t want to provide that much detailed financial info, as we qualify for zero need-based aid. But they gave my daughter $28.5 K per year Rensselaer leadership award, soon after we filed the CSS. As RPI is one of the institutions you’re strongly considering, I would say it’s worth it.

Fordham was another college which required us to file CSS and they gave her 35K per year after receiving our CSS profile. So based on our experience, my impression is that filing CSS is a positive thing for people who won’t qualify for need based aid. If anything we got far more merit scholarship than we expected.

Hello parents/fellow students! I was just wondering if there were any bs/md programs left at this time of year to apply to with maybe a jan15 deadline or such.

I’ve applied to TTU UMSI & NW HPME. I’m debating applying to PLME:

my stats:

1600 sat
800 bio
800 chem
800 math2
national merit semifinalist

research w/ associate dean of TTU’s med school. that’s published in a journal
president of school clubs etc.
mock trial state level outstanding awards
usabo semifinalist
AIME qualifier

shadowed a doctor for 1.5yrs, she wrote a banging rec. letter
decent essay-writing skills

URM – african american

What do you guys think?

Please also let me know if there are any other smaller BS/MD programs I can apply to before Jan1 or Jan15. I understand most of the deadlines have already passed, but that’s why I’ve come to you all for help.



Thank you for the input.

@kokirikat You’re like the dream candidate that the PLME director is dreaming of, I bet. Lol. Do apply there. But with your stats, extracurricular and background you would make a formidable candidate for any BSMD program and even more importantly as a future direct MD applicant. My advice is that if you must do BSMD, chose one with a strong undergrad where you will continue to shine and one that will allow you to apply out after taking the MCATs. If you continue to do as well in undergrad years as you have done in high school, you have extremely high chances of getting into one of the top medical schools even via non-BSMD route. I’m sure you know that already.


Stonybrook - Jan 15

Apply to PLME if you can.
Why the hesitation?

@GoldenStateDad FYI. DD also got a substantial merit scholarship ( > 35k ) from Fordham as a NMF without a CSS profile. All these colleges keep sending reminders for filing all these financial documents.


Check out Oklahoma, you may still have time. As I understand for NMF finalists they are giving away 5 years of tuition. Also you can opt out of the program and apply out if you want, based on your MCAT and other stats and accomplishments.


Thank you!


Yes, do apply to PLME. Also, while your stats/EC’s are great, make sure your essays reflect your story.

Folks, on a side note, D introduced me to a new show on NBC, New Amsterdam, based on the medical profession and practice. Seems to have started just this fall. Watched the 1st a episode and going to watch the rest produced so far.

@rk2017 thanks for info, good time to binge watch…

Thank you!

Will VCU send out snail mail for their short list interview invite? Nothing changes on my portal including UG award letter and Honor acceptance. Enjoy the New Year! It’ll be the longest month of the app season.

@rk2017 that show’s amazing, I finished the first season in 3 days and the second season is coming out soon. It’s very overdramatic in my opinion but if you’re looking for a great, semirealistic show be sure to watch Code Black (my favorite med drama so far)

Thanks @Dreamingteen3221 for referring Code Black! Look forward to watching it during rest of this holiday season.

For folks who received AMC/Union interview invites: how long was it between submitting the supplement and receiving the invite? How did they notify? It’s been 10 days since we submitted the supplement, no word as yet. Ty