Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

And one more quick question about Dr. Rubins camp, does anyone know the GPA of students they accept? Cause mine UW is 3.8 and it feels a bit low.


At this young age, what makes you think medicine is the right choice for you? It appears Robotics is what you are really good at, so I would envision a career in Robotics/ AI / Engineering for some one with your back ground.

You need to reflect why you want to take up medicine in the first place. When you apply, your essay should convey that enthusiasm and in a convincing way. The admission/interviewing folks are smart enough to figure out if it is really coming from you or if is due to other factors such as parental influence and some other reasons that is prompting you to take this route.

Try to finish at least 3 BCPM APs by junior year and do well in them. Try to get into university sponsored programs for high school kids during summers and also explore nationally well known institutions like NIH. You need to apply well in advance like December or January for some of these programs. Try to see if you can use your Robotics back ground in a medical setup such as Bio medical instrumentation.

Thanks @WGSK88

Nope -you were not sounding negative at all.
She has ACT 33 and SAT 1520. We will not report ACT.
I think SAT 1520 is better than ACT 33.
I agree being ā€œIndian Americanā€, the expectation is very high and SAT 1520 may not good for BSMD.

If she wants to go for traditional route, would you recommend SLU & CASE?

Thanks, @rk2017

Iā€™m doing medicine as my career choice to make a valuable change and to help others. I know that may sound cliche, but it is truly my reason. I had a plan to use my robotics background in a medical set up, but will that still land me in BS/MD programs or something else?

What are BCPM AP classes? If it has something to do with the medical field such as AP Bio, Chem, Physics. Then my plan is to take Chem Acc sophomore year, AP Chem/bio (whichever one) and double up with AP physics in junior year. I plan on doing well and hopefully, it works out!

Iā€™m very busy during the summers as I have research studies at UChicago and research internships. But Iā€™m willing to explore other options that can fit in my schedule.

BCPM stands for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math (statistics including). I think you should be good with current summer setup, no need to stretch too far. Yes robotics in medical setup is great, you get to combine both your interests and hopefully can make some contributions which you can talk about during your admissions cycle. I think some programs like NW also give you the option to pair Bio Med engineering with Medicine, though it may take up an extra year or so


Thanks again, but Iā€™m a team designer. I designed the robot. Iā€™m not really a ā€œbuilder. Iā€™ll try to pair it up or talk about it but what are positive benefits of designing robots in the med field or in my application.

@bearsfan21, somethings I can think of right away, Prosthetics and Robotic surgery (da Vinci). I am sure you can explore and find more yourself.

@blessed101 Premed Case is good. They give merit awards as well. My daughter got $29.5K/year (highest from her school!) last year (HS Class of 2017) but she got into UMKC BA/MD and she is at UMKC now. Typically Case gives $22K to $29K/year.

Honestly for some reason I have negative vibes about SLU after I heard from few people, though one of our friendā€™s son is at SLU in the MD part already (going into 2nd year). Again this is my opinion. My son will not apply this year to SLU! He will be applying to UMKC/UIC (GPPA)/Case for sure.

Yeah 1520 is a good score compared to ACT 33. But if she gets chance she can always try once more ACT to improve. You can see whether a program like Sean Patelā€™s ( will improve her score. They guarantee couple of points improvement!

Good Luck!


TBH 1520 is fairly low for an Asian. However, it does sound much better than a 33 ACT.

I would advise either a 1550+ SAT or 35+ ACT preferably, in order to be as competitive as possible.

@bearsfan21 Dr Rubin used to be very competitive couple of years back when he used to have only Sunday Sessions but now he started 2 days (Saturday and Sunday Sessions) - lot more openings. So, you should be fine. He does do personal interview as part of the process. So, be bold and clear that you are exploring interests and this experience would provide you with good understanding, if the medical field is for you or not.

I was confused with your race - you stated ā€œAmerican Indianā€ (American Indian - Native American! FYI) but it looks like you are really an Indian American from another posting!

@WGSK88 Ok thanks and sorry for the misunderstanding!

btw, are my current stats and predicted stats on the right track for bsmd programs?

@rk2017 thanks and Iā€™ll explore some options.

Iā€™m also attending a college application essay workshop which will help me when the time comes to write an essay and explain why I chose the medical field. Hopefully, that will help!

Thanks @WGSK88 @GreenPoison

My D took ACT 3 times and SAT 2 times.
The highest composite score she got is - ACT 33 and SAT 1520.
I think she may not improve from there. So planning to see what is there for 1520.
will definitely look into UMKC too - thanks again


If I am not mistaken, remember seeing some successful applicants with similar SAT score range in the Official Results thread for 2018. You may want to look closely to see how else they had compensated for it and any commonality between them and your D that you can harness during her application process. You can also Private Message and ask questions. Hopefully they will respond and address any concerns and may offer some suggestions.

if u have a lot of experience in the medical field (volunteering, mission trips, research) top 5% for GPA, but ACT isnt best do you still have a chance at a BS/MD program. Im talking about an act that ranges from 26-29


That would be too much of a stretch. Probably the application wonā€™t even pass the initial filtering itself.
I recommend people trying sample tests (through Kaplan etc.) of both SAT and ACT and see which suits them better. Some are good at ACT and some at SAT and some at both. If either of them donā€™t fit your style, perhaps focus on getting into a good undergrad program for traditional route (donā€™t necessarily go for the prestige of the school which can badly backfire).

It may suffice for some BS/DO programs though, if you are interested. You may even qualify for scholarships of the undergrad portions of the programs based on the strength of the rest of your application.

@TheElusiveGod What were your stats and ECs?

Do all of these programs require SAT subject tests???

CommonApp is open now. Most of the BSMD schools use Commonapp.