Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@gallentjill where did you get the option to pay on your portal?


It’s a link on the portal just on top of the “your admission status”. We paid today.

My portal says this:

Thank you for your application. Your file is currently complete and under review. A decision has not yet been made on your application to Drexel University. If additional materials are required before an admission decision can be rendered, we will contact you.

BA/BS + MD (Medicine) Program Status
Your application for the BA/BS + MD (Medicine) program has been forwarded to the Drexel University College of Medicine for review."

There was no link to pay for the application. Does this mean I don’t have to pay? I used a fee waiver if that makes a difference


Your app is still under review and it’s a standard message before you are shortlisted. If selected/shortlisted, you will see an updated page with a link to pay $100 and a confirmation that Med School will review it (or something to that effect).
If you are not sure, I suggest you call Drexel admin office for confirmation.

IL folks any update form UIC-GPPA program regarding interviews and invitation for interviews???

UAB EMSAP interview emails coming anytime soon?

According to last years thread UAB released interview invites via email on 01/04 in the morning. @123wz321

@ZacharyGelfond thanks and wow that’s tomorrow.

Any update on RPI/AMC? We submitted the supplement to AMC on 12/21, still not heard anything about the next steps.

@Nansand They’ve already sent out January interview invites
 got mine dec 19ish

Im pretty sure they have another round in feb though, so they’ll probably get back to you soon:)

Do u think any colleges will be conducting interviews during winter break 2/14-2/25? We were booking a trip during that week .

@noregerts, when did you submit your RPI/AMC supplemental?

@Nansand Dec 17

I emailed the woman in chard about when decisions were going to be released and she said over the next few weeks!


Not sure if your question awhile back about the format of AMC interviews was answered, but I am a current student at Union and in previous years RPI and Union students have been mixed together. First there is a “group” interview where the same questions are asked to all students going down a line, some specific questions about their management projects to certain students, and some questions where anyone can raise their hand and answer. After, there are individual interviews with Albany Med faculty or administrators of the program. This is a more typical, one-on-one interview where they ask about your experiences and possibly some ethics questions.


I interviewed for Union/AMC on 1/21 and was notified of acceptance on 3/6. Decisions are rolling, so I do think interviewing early might get you an earlier acceptance, but if they are still thinking they will not deny you immediately. Meaning, you might get a ‘yes’ earlier, but you won’t get a ‘no’ earlier. At the interview, they will clearly explain how decisions are made and the timeline.

When did UConn release interviews last year?

Has anyone received notice from Rutgers, specifically NJIT and the honors program?

@bsmd1826 Thank you!


Thank you for the info on AMC interviews.