<p>I applied to two Ivies knowing that the decision would basically hinge on the December SAT. Scores came in, and I bombed it (by my standards) Do I still have a chance?</p>
<p>Full Mexican Male
Senior at one of the best private schools in my area
I'm probably in the top 20% out of 160 (As far as I know, school doesn't rank)
GPA- 3.94 unweighted, 4.16 weighted</p>
<p>SAT- 720 Math, 630 CR, 730 Writing (7 Essay)
This is the first time I took it, which ended up being the best score</p>
<p>SAT Subject- 720 Chem, 680 Math I (I didn't study for this at all because I spent the whole month studying Chem. I payed the price)</p>
<p>AP- I took my first AP's senior year (Chemistry, Calc AB, and American Gov)</p>
<p>Courseload- Difficult, the hardest that I could possibly take with the exception of English, where I took Honors instead of AP</p>
<p>Community Service (9-12)- I have about 100 hours so far through four years, on pace for 200 by the end of senior year</p>
<p>Church's Weekly Dinner for Homeless (10-12)- Where I get the majority of my hours</p>
<p>Church's Annual Retreat (12)- Youth Leader</p>
<p>Students Against Destructive Decisions (11-12)- Membership Director</p>
<p>National Honor Society (12)</p>
<p>Social Studies Honor Society (11-12)</p>
<p>French Honor Society (11-12)</p>
<p>Hispanic Appreciation Club (10-12)- Board of Directors</p>
<p>I held a couple of jobs over the summer, one at a horse farm in June and as a cashier in a restaurant through July</p>
<p>Random Stuff</p>
<p>Outstanding Student in French- 11</p>
<p>Played bass for 5 years</p>
<p>Fluent in Spanish, semifluent in French</p>
<p>I applied to these schools (all for Chem Engineering)
-Georgia Tech
-University of Texas- Austin
-University of Southern California</p>
<p>Any help or insight is greatly appreciated, if for some reason you need any other information feel free to ask</p>