<p>Being Mexican certainly helps your case. I am only really familiar with Cornell and Colubmia.
Cornell - low reach
Columbia - reach</p>
<p>Hmm. You have nice stats, and your ethnicity will help you, but if you are interested in chemical engineering, they want to see better math and science achievement, especially at Cornell and Columbia.</p>
<p>-Columbia- reach</p>
<p>-Cornell- I’d say reach but I know a hispanic-american who got in with worse stats. Cornell really likes diversity. High match?</p>
<p>-Georgia Tech- most likely in</p>
<p>-University of Texas- Austin- in</p>
<p>-University of Southern California- match</p>
<p>Are you applying to any other schools? That’s kind of a short list, and while I’m 98% sure you’ll get into at least one of them, its always good to have an in-state safety. (Just in case you need a scholarship or decide to stay closer to home at the last minute)</p>
<p>See post 17 for why I don’t have other options/screwed myself over</p>
<li>An elaboration:</li>
<p>My guidance counselor did not help me at all in the college search process, and these 5 are the result of me doing my own research and visits. Had anyone really helped me look early on, I would have a larger list, but this is what I’ve got.</p>
<p>-Columbia: probably
-Cornell: most likely
-Georgia Tech:in
-University of Texas- Austin:in
-University of Southern California:in</p>
<p>-Columbia: 30% in - 70 % rejected (8.7% acceptance rate, 20000 applicants. Not easy to get in for anyone)
-Cornell: 40 - 60. Give it a shot. You could get in here.
-Georgia Tech:in
-University of Texas- Austin:in
-University of Southern California:in</p>
<p>Another thanks to everybody! Merry Christmas! (On East Coast at least)
Keep giving me opinions, I’ll chance back!</p>
<p>If I may be blatant, the top universities are always looking for ethnic minorities such as Native American, African American, and Hispanic American. I attended a “state of the black union” address at Northwestern.They talked of how Northwestern has a 4.6% (I believe that was the number) African American population, the lowest they’ve had in years, and claimed that Northwestern has been having trouble trying to create a diverse campus. This should really help your chances at the Ivies.</p>
<p>The only problem I really see with your stats is that the extracurriculars do not seem to show a passion for anything imparticular.</p>
Cornell- reach
Georgia Tech-match
University of Texas- safe match
University of Southern California- match</p>
<p>hey first and foremost thanks for the reply!</p>
<p>i think you a great chance at all universities with the exception of cornell and columbia
Obviously, all ivies are reaches, but these schools may be a BIT out of your range (when considering JUST SAT , albeit i don’t think colleges stress that much on the SAT)
However, because you are a URM, i do think you stand a chance for the two colleges</p>
<p>Random question:
if you had to choose between cornell or columbia, which would u choose?
Cornell for the better engineering program
or COlumbia for renown ?</p>
<p>To h2opoloboy- Choosing between those two Ivies is really tough for me because while Cornell does have the better engineering program and the most beautiful campus that I’ve seen, Columbia has New York City, which is the most amazing place that I have visited, while still offering a pretty good engineering program. The renown there is really not a factor. As of right now it’s still a tie.</p>
<p>thanks for chancing me but what do u mean by match? is that same thing as in?</p>
<p>-Columbia- maybe</p>
<p>-Cornell- Since u r hispanic, applying to Cornell will help u alot; maybe affirmative action?</p>
<p>-Georgia Tech- in</p>
<p>-University of Texas- Austin- in</p>
<p>-USC- in</p>
<p>Id say the Ivies are a stretch, other than that you are definately good.</p>
<p>Not sure about the Ivies although you can still distinguish yourself by writing killer essays. I think you have excellent chances at the other three schools. Good Luck.</p>
<p>last bump of the night…1000 views, 33 replies lulz</p>
Cornel: reach
Georgia Tech:match
University of Texas: safety
University of Southern California: match</p>
<p>thanks for answering mine</p>
<p>Columbia and Cornell are two very different schools.</p>
<p>I am going to disagree with everyone here and say that you have a good chance at all of these schools because of your grades, your SATs, and your ethnicity; as well, I see a pattern of church related ECs. </p>
<p>I would also suggest you apply to the U of Illinois at Urbana; their engineering programs are excellent.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Bumpity bumpity bump</p>
<p>And MYSOJ1230- thanks for stating the somewhat obvious. If you’re going to post in here, at least put something helpful.</p>
<p>Columbia: reach</p>
<p>Cornell: lower reach, it’s definitely within range</p>
<p>Georgia Tech: match, probably in.</p>
<p>University of Texas- Austin: I’m not sure – with the high percent of in-staters, it might be more of a reach than it seems.</p>
<p>University of Southern California: high match</p>
<p>Thanks for replying to my thread! :)</p>
<p>Columbia - reach
Cornell - reach, although less than Columbia
UT - even though you are OOS, your stats should get you in there - the odds are probably 75% here
GT - in
USC - possibility, but i think you’ve got a nice shot</p>