Transfer Students FALL 2013

<p>Any current UM student. Do you think UM is worth loans. like graduating with 40000 loans. Im a pre med major as well.</p>

<p>IMHO, no college is ever worth that much in loans, let alone as a pre-med where you’d be taking in even more loans for med school if you choose that route.</p>

<p>@Bound4Gr8ness, no, 40000 loans is not worth it and like what Marinebio444 said you will probably add onto that during Med school and that is going to take a very long time to pay. I would suggest that you don’t go to the University of Miami if it entails that much loans, it’s going to be such a huge burden when you get out of college.</p>


<p>My financial aid package was 16000 presidential scholarship, full pell grant and federal loans and another grant, total 33000. With a cost of 60000 do u guys think its worth it? </p>

<p>I have been accepted to u mich too. </p>

<p>Is 35000 loan per year too much? </p>

<p>Sent from my LG-MS770 using CC</p>

<p>@sleepytransfer, that amount in loans is way too much, it isn’t worth it. what are you receiving from U Mich? And how much is the tuition. I wouldn’t suggest you using $35000 in loans for the University of Miami, it’s not worth it if you’re going to have to pay that after college. If you’re receiving something much better at your other option, take that instead, for an undergrad I really don’t think it will do you much justice by having $35000 in loans.</p>

<p>@sleepytransfer whats your stats? Im curious bc i only got 10000 for presidential scholarship. So the total grants loans and scholarship u received is 33k?</p>

<p>@melly I’m in a similar boat to sleepy…got the 16k presidential & 4.5k coral grant…so 20.5k total grants from the school</p>

<p>4.0 from a big South Carolina Uni. 1340 M/R SAT’s…when I applied thought the U was full need met…anyways congrats to all of you that got in! Like Miami but not at that price</p>

<p>@ Marquis
I haven’t received any thing from U Mich yet, because they thought I was international and had to fix that situation. I will find out this week. </p>

<p>I was thinking of the same thing about Miami, I mean they are good and Miami is nice but 70,000 (for two years) is too much! </p>

<p>Sent from my LG-MS770 using CC</p>


<p>Yes, the total amount of loans, grants, and scholarship they offered me is 33,400. </p>

<p>My stats: </p>

<p>Will graduate this semester with an associates from a CUNY junior college :frowning:
GED 4000 out of 4000
gpa 4.0 out of 4.0
Decent essays
ECs: pretty strong, internship with Dalai Lama and Tibet house.
Then some other small stuff. </p>

<p>Sent from my LG-MS770 using CC</p>

<p>Hey, Im jumping into this kinda late but does anyone have any advice for me? I’m transferring in as a sophomore and I’ve chosen to stay in the soph dorms (don’t know which one yet) but I’m nervous about making friends, since I heard it’s kind of hard as a transfer?
Also, do you think it’s worth paying like 40k a year for their business program? I mean I heard its good…but is it that good? thanks!</p>

<p>@sparklingme, I honestly, don’t think it will be hard as long as you are open to making new friends and as long as you are social. It’s probably easier since you are dorming and either way you can always make friends in your classes. Where else have you been accepted?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If anyone hasn’t seen it yet, join the Transfer group!</p>

<p>Well I’ve been debating between Chapman University (SoCal area) and Penn State (although I’ve decided to rule that one out).</p>

<p>@sparklingme </p>

<p>If you are Pennsylvania, then you should reconsider penn state! Its a wonderful school with decent tuition. My friend transferred there and he is very happy. </p>

<p>Anyway, good luck.</p>

<p>Sent from my LG-MS770 using CC</p>

<p>Paid my deposit. Whos going?! Lol</p>

<p>@sparklingme, Are they offering you more money or is it cheaper at those two universities?</p>

I’m a California resident, and Chapman costs the most out of all of them. Penn State costs the least, although I don’t really want to go there. And then there’s University of Miami which did offer me a small scholarship.</p>

<p>@sparklingme, How come you don’t want to go there? Although I have to agree, I go to school in Boston and well to be honest the East Coast doesn’t suit West Coast kids that well, people here are different haha, not to mean it in a bad way, but I regret coming here, rather be back in California and well honestly Miami is a nice place to be too, similar to California! And I mean, are you going to be taking out loans on UMiami and what not and are your parents willing to pay the $40k? I mean if your parents are really willing to pay the $40k then I would say it’s alright. To be honest, on the business aspect, I don’t know whether UMiami’s business is better than Penn State or Chapman, so can’t help you there.</p>

<p>No, my parents are paying for all of it. But yea I’ve always thought Miami was kind of the same as California in some ways and UM seems to be better for my major. Guess I made my decision. Thanks :)</p>

<p>@sparklingme, I see, that’s cool, I would really like to go to UM, but I can’t let my parents pay that much, most likely heading to a UC. Best luck to you.</p>

<p>oh which UC??</p>