Transfer Students for SUMMER/FALL 2014

<p>I currently have a 4.0 on 15 hours from St. John’s University in NY. I’m on step 3 of AIS right now, but I know I will be denied the first time due to the fact that I won’t have 24 hours until after this semester. I am applying to Economics (LA), which with anywhere near a 4.0 I should be good in terms of acceptance. The problem is, with Econ, math 141 and calc. are both required. I will have calc done, however, I will not have math 141 done since the equivalent of it is not available at my school. If I am missing this one math class do you think I will automatically be rejected? My second choice major is Communications, so hopefully if I’m not able to get into Econ they will consider my second choice and I’ll be able to get in that way. Any advice or knowledge would be helpful. </p>

<p>I can view my audit report.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when acceptances for Fall transfers normally start going out?</p>

<p>I had heard that they should start going out around the first week of March.</p>

<p>What does all the acronyms mean on your audit report?</p>

<p>Which acronyms?</p>

<p>TRNS XXX, TA, TB, TCR. Those acronyms.</p>

<p>My daughter has been on Blinn TEAM this past year as a freshman. She submitted her transfer app 1/31. </p>

<p>She is applying for transfer into Animal Science with 31 completed transfer hours. Her transfer GPA is a 3.65. She is currently enrolled in 15 hours. </p>

<p>Those are the grades. The “T” is transfer and the “A” is the grade. The TCR means that the student received credit for the course, but the grade is not used. Probably like an AP test or something like that. I am not sure what the TRNS XXX is.</p>

<p>And Texas A&M doesn’t use AP courses towards your transfer hours, am I correct on that.</p>

<p>Correct. Only dual credit courses.</p>

<p>On ais now it says my second choice so decisions have already started going out</p>

<p>I just looked it up and I’m pretty sure TRNS XXX means the course does transfer, they’re just not sure how it will transfer yet. </p>

<p>My second choice went away last week and I got four tabs on Howdy this morning. AIS still shows step three though</p>

<p>I am also applying for transfer. I am currently on my fourth semester of Blinn TEAM on track to complete it if not by the end of this semester then definitely the summer. When I applied I had 48 hours with all the required classes for College of Education comoleted with a 3.06 at Blinn and a 2.85 at TAMU. After this semester I’ll have 63 hours and will have completed not only all required but also all of the recommended courses for my major as well. Does anyone know my chances of getting in? Or has anyone heard back yet? My application was processed on 1/17. </p>



<p>Hey guys! I’m applying for Fall 2014 transfer from UT Austin. I currently have a 3.415 with 39 hours completed, but I’ll have 55 at the end of the semester. I’m just a little nervous because I’m applying into a science major from Liberal Arts at UT, but all the science degrees require BIO or CHEM. I talked to my admissions counselor, and she seemed to think that based on my other info they would be able to waive the science requirement, but I’M STRESSING OUT. What do you guys think? My resume is really impressive, and I got three letters of recommendation from A&M grads. THIS IS KILLING ME I CAN’T STRESS THAT ENOUGH</p>

<p>I got 4 tabs on Howdy on Monday, I think and I got my acceptance on last night!! My application went to step 3 on 1/17</p>

<p>@Abbeylin, my daughter is in her 2nd semester on TEAM. She applied for tranfer for Fall and found out yesterday that she was accepted! Sounds like you probably have a great shot!</p>

<p>Awesome! @sarabelle do you mind sharing what is your major and your GPA? </p>