Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

I am curious where you are receiving this information.

Not sure if this is what @SlimJim005 is referring to.

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It still exists, but under a slightly different title and probably a little less of a sure thing. Definitely not disbanded or phased out.


Every year someone says it’s going away. Hasn’t yet, and don’t see it going anywhere. It’s just more open and doesn’t lean so heavily to just legacy as much as it use to and frankly is more inclusive to a variety of students likely to commit the next year.

Transfers are later this year as they are just waiting to see the numbers (the May 1st final numbers) to have more certainty in their offers and incoming figures for fall/spring.

The wait is always awful, but they use to come out as early as a 3 days after regular decisions, but each year they have pushed further and further out. It’s too bad that transfers are just an easy group to inconvenience, especially TTP, they know they have a pretty captive audience there. Hang in there all!


Scheduling emails for Transfer Plan Consults in June went out this morning.

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Is this for 2023 HS grads preparing to transfer after one year, or those already in the TTP or Viterbi Pathways that have applied to transfer in next Fall?

Hi, The former. New Transfer Plan candidates for Fall '24.

Thanks! So those getting the emails were accepted?

They were offered an information session to learn about the transfer process and some documents that can help with planning their coursework next year to be ready.

I got offered TTP and did community college at SMC. I got a 4.0 first semester and took 29 credits, I am really stressed out they haven’t sent anything yet. Should I be worried?

From what I understand, no. You have very little to worry about if you jumped through the presented hoops and made the grades. They just have not yet released transfer admissions decisions. Please do post when you get your decision. Thanks!

Just re-read. Was 29 credits enough to satisfy the requirement and did you also make a 4.0 2nd semester? I thought 30 credits was the requirement. 30 credits, a 4.0, contact and cooperation with the advisor throughout the year, then you should be fine. Short of that, it’s a crapshoot.

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Got it OK thanks. Misread LAW’s reply. Thanks all…still waitin’

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Grades probably haven’t been finalized for this TTP’s second semester yet.

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Can u sign up for a 1 credit summer class and let your advisor know? Would be good to hit that 30.


My daughter just receeived a request from Annenberg for a letter of recommendation by Monday May 8th. Let’s hope this is good news. Did anyone else receive a request?


Does someone have a link to the AUP housing webinar this morning? We have an email that appears to be the confirmation email, but no link!

A letter of recommendation for what and from whom? One of the overseas professors?

That’s a pretty quick turnaround if your daughter just received the request!

Is anyone planning on studying at Richmond Univ in London for their freshman year before transferring to USC? It seems like most people are going the AUP route - is there any reason for this? Richmond is cheaper in tuition, after all.

Sorry for not providing more details. My daughter just finished her last final on Wednesday at Richmond University in London. Even though she had a recommendation letter in her common app, Annenberg requested for another letter of recommendation. They gave her until Monday to get the letter of recommendation sent to them

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