<p>Oh, please let us hear something today! Good luck to all:)</p>

<p>Nothing here in NJ but junk mail:(</p>

<p>Sorry Jerz…maybe monday! No mail in MD yet.</p>

<p>Fist Pumps and Booty Shakes in Tennessee! :-D</p>

<p>Does that mean that your child got an acceptance?</p>

<p>Happily, yes - we only booty shake for special events. DS was not confident about his interview at all. Maybe there’s a ‘let’s take pity on this poor, tortured, tongue-tied soul’ score that he aced ;-)</p>


<p>Congratulations!!! :)</p>


<p>Congratulations and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>@NRDMOM Yay! I hope I’ve met your son. If not I look forward to it because we’re going to be CBH classmates!</p>

<p>Congrats NRDMOM’s son!! Holding breath for our mail today. Not confident we will get mail from Alabama today, but we will be hitting the mailbox as soon as the mail lady fills it!</p>

<p>Congratulations to you too, Iterry!
What state are you in Iterry?</p>

<p>Junk mail in our mailbox in MD only. :(</p>

<p>Thanks, everybody. Now I can find something else to be anxious about. (SO many things…)</p>

<p>Iterry: Our most congratulatory booty shakes to you as well! My son remembers meeting you, is just having tough time putting faces to names. (2 down, 38 to go…)</p>

<p>sounds like the tidal wave of mail is slowly making it’s way north. </p>

<p>I keep reminding DD that it’s an awesome accomplishment to have had made it this far. No mail in Indy…loooong wait to Monday. </p>

<p>Congrats lterry and NRD! ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Congrats to Iterry and NRD!</p>

<p>It was pretty tough waiting for news last year.</p>

<p>Hopefully all will be as pleased with the program as my son has been.</p>

<p>@vlines, I live in Alabama, 2 hours from Tuscaloosa. Thank you all!</p>

<p>Well, it’s Monday. My daughter is going to have a coronary. NO mail again today.</p>

<p>Congrats to those who’ve gotten good news. Sympathy for those who’ve heard nothing so far…the wait is awful!</p>

<p>Why can’t they also send an email to the Crimson acct???</p>

<p>ARGH asaunmom…it is tense waiting for the mail around here too!</p>