<p>Daughter = CBHP = YES!!! :)</p>

<p>We were all getting quite anxious around here. We weren’t able to get our mail because we had it held at the P.O. while we did the Honors tour at UA this past Friday and Saturday.</p>

<p>High Fives all around and daughter did the happy dance. :)</p>

<p>Congrats to all who have heard, and especially, good luck to those who are waiting!</p>

<p>YAY, NM(no longer S)F Dad!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your daughter! I’ve felt like an anxious auntie to CC kids all day, love the great news. Am doing my traditional happy dance in her honor as well -</p>

<p>Congrats! Still waiting on today’s mail here!</p>

<p>congrats :)</p>

<p>HAHAHA! Thanks, NRDMOM! I will tell her you did the ~hd~ in her honor. :slight_smile: Thanks, vlines and m2ck! We are thanking the Lord for all the blessings. She also got a National Beta Club scholarship today in the mail. We are overwhelmed and feel very blessed.</p>

<p>NMFdad :)</p>

<p>Great news in NJ today! My son made it into the UFE program. We are so happy. Best of luck to all that are waiting.</p>

<p>Congrats to you and your son, jerz!! Awesome! :)</p>

<p>YES! </p>

<p>Double fist bumps to you and your boy, jerz! The ‘Tide’ is rolling north with excellent news, apparently. Fingers crossed for those who haven’t heard yet -</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone accepted to CBHP and UFE! What an amazing accomplishment!</p>

<p>If anyone doesn’t make it into CBHP, don’t despair. There’s another research program called Emerging Scholars that provides awesome access to research opportunities, without the computer programming requirements. Emerging Scholars is competitive, but I think this past year they accepted a couple hundred kids. It’s a two-semester program. They accepted so many that half had to start fall semester and half in spring.</p>

<p>My D didn’t get accepted to CBHP, but she is part of Emerging Scholars, which is actually a better fit for her personally, with her interests and schedule. If we had known abut Emerging Scholars prior to CBHP, she probably wouldn’t have applied to CBHP (just because she has less than zero interest in the computer programming part of it at this time in her life).</p>

<p>My daughter is convinced that she’s the only one in the nation that has not heard about UFE. Hopefully, today will put her mind at ease one way or the other.</p>

<p>Again, congrats to all of you CBHP and UFE acceptancees!
ROLL TIDE ROLL! definitely toward Indiana, please!!</p>

<p>O-M-G!!! Mailman=naught…I need a refill on my Xanax.</p>

<p>asaunmom hang in there! Our first letter from UFE didn’t come until several days after people on the boards had been posting. My fingers are crossed for your daughter:)</p>

<p>Did anyone ever hear how many applicants there were for CBHP? I know I heard 800 for UFE.</p>

<p>CBH doesn’t usually get as many applicants as UFE does. That’s because the CBH name is confusing…and also UFE has those AE scholarships that are awarded to some UFE students.</p>

<p>asaunmom: Have you tried wearing your pajamas inside out? It’s what the kids do here when they’re hoping for a snow day :-)</p>

<p>OK. I’ll try that tomorrow if there’s nothing today. I have on tempo shorts and a big tee. I could get away with the tee but tempo shorts may confirm that I’m a little “off” if I wear them inside out. LOL.</p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestion. All are welcome! My daughter walked into the kitchen, “maybe today…maybe”.</p>

<p>OMG!! Same ol’ same ol’.
I’m crying from frusturation, irritation, and the archaic way notifications are sent. A simple email of yes or no stating that more info will follow would be a much better system than the current, rely on the US Mail thing.</p>

<p>My heart is about to explode from anxiety. My stomach is in knots. My head has a killer throbbing right between my eyes. I’m pacing the house like an idiot trying to decide how to tell the daughter that there is no word again today.
Meanwhile…my husband whistles and carries on reading up on sports, etc. UGGHHH. I wish that I had one tiny ounce of that mindset.</p>

<p>OK. If I don’t ever post again, that indicates that I have in fact had a heart attack from the stress!</p>

<p>asaunmom - </p>

<p>LOL Now THAT’S what I call going postal! I agree that same-day crimson mail is <em>much</em> more civilized. The ‘hard’ copy, suitable for framing can come anytime later.</p>

<p>With utter sympathy, and a promise to wear my pajamas inside-out for you tonight…</p>


<p>I’ll get all 5 of my kids to wear their pajamas inside out (they do backwards too) for you too. The younger one can ask him magic 8 ball if tomorrow is the day your D’s letter will arrive. </p>

<p>All kidding aside, I know how hard it is on those waiting to hear. Please don’t have a heart attack:) And I completely agree that crimson mail is the way to go with the follow up in the regular mail.</p>

<p>Thanks y’all! Now I’m even trying the southern lady-like thing…</p>

<p>I’ve definitely added a few new wrinkles over the past couple of days.</p>