University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

Do you mean Honors Connection LLC? It looks like there is an application link on the page linked here. I don’t remember hearing about this one when we did the honors presentation this Spring.

My daughter was accepted with Presidential Elite award (not NMSF just commended). It is not her first choice but the scholarship is hard to beat. She has not applied to honors college yet, it looks like there are no essays required, just scores and grades?

Additionally, she received an email today with an invitation to the Capstone Scholars Day. Does anyone know anything more about this than what is in the email?

When she clicks on that link it says there is not an application available at this time. Just didn’t know when to look out for it.

Sorry I’m no help, but following in case anyone knows anything, my son is pretty fixed on Blount but that looks like a great option!

From the Bama website: If you are awarded a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship but also meet the criteria for one or more Automatic Merit Scholarships, you will receive the highest of the scholarship offers.

None of the competitive scholarships are as much as the automatic presidential award.


Congrats on the commended! Did your daughter get the Pres ELITE b/c of her commended status or b/c of perfect test scores as listed on the website? Wondering for our 2nd son… Thanks

Thanks, it was for 36 ACT/4.0 (just added the commended comment because NMSF is often mentioned on here and I guess they do have some other special scholarships for that, but mine only got commended not finalist)

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I am wondering about the housing deposit issue as well. Child has the scholarship letter in hand for OOS tuition, etc. that National Recognition brings and should get the alumni child award, too, but decisions on University Fellows, Randall, etc. don’t come out until after the housing deadline so we won’t be visiting until then. I find it difficult to believe that students who win (or even are finalists) for the big scholarships would end up with the worst dorms. I am also concerned that paying a housing deposit without accepting admission to a school violates the idea of only paying an enrollment fee at one school which was mentioned somewhere. (Common app?)
With my older child (HS Class 2017), we were in it for merit weekends all over the place plus a visit to Vanderbilt once we found out a merit scholarship had been given so it was in the running, and we didn’t confirm anything until the end of April. It had no effect on housing at her choice school. For Bama, are they making us decide to enroll early to get the housing or are people just putting a housing deposit without an enrollment deposit? Any clarification would be great.

i have two small thoughts on this. 1)the bama parents group on facebook has thousands of parents who might know more; and there’s a NM fbook group too. you might get many answers on this over there 2)after feb 1, your student doesnt get to chose housing; but could end up in a great dorm if there’s a single spot open somewhere.

No problem paying the housing deposit only. You can do that at multiple schools. What you’re not supposed to do is pay a commitment deposit at more than one school. You can pay it at one school and then if you get in another one you prefer you can withdraw your commitment and pay at the second school.

Tons of parents on the Facebook pages with more info if you’re interested. We paid it, but he is 99% on Alabama, might not be willing if he was less sure. He is waiting on Blount which will be housing in Blount no matter what, but I think you are correct, if you are doing any of the honors programs I think there is a strong chance you will be ok for housing. I think the emphasis on the enrollment and housing deposit is mainly for the halls that fill up like Tutwiler and Pres. I heard that in the past 2 years Tut and all of the Suite style dorms with the exception of honors were filled up the second housing selection day.

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Thanks for these responses. We don’t have Facebook accounts, but I think I understand now how the housing thing is working. I will have my son reach out to the AO since he has a few other questions to clarify. I don’t know that we can afford a non-refundable deposit, but I will check into it now that I have this information. Thank you again for your responses.

This might be a silly question but…there’s no major indicated on my son’s acceptance from 'Bama. Is this an oversight or do they not do direct admin into majors or … ?
He applied for Computer Science BS.

My son’s acceptance letter that came in the mail did not list his major either. His email portal just said “Congratulations you have been admitted” but the major was listed up above as “Application Major.” I do not know anything about engineering as my son put Economics, but I wanted you to at least know that it was not written on his official letter. I do recall some college sending a brochure that kept writing his name, major, and town in spots throughout it, and that may have come from the UA Arts and Science or the Honors College. Also, my son might not even major in Economics. They didn’t say anything about not being able to change majors, but again, I know that engineering is different.

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Have him log into the myBama portal with the link on the bottom of his application portal (the one that says “congrats…”) - can’t miss it. Once you’re in, go to the DegreeWorks link on the left. Everything about his major will be there including GE’s and major requirements. There’s a days worth of good information in this portal for you guys to chew on.

You can even change the major in there…


Okay, so a couple of weeks ago my portal said under review, last week I talked to my recruiter and I had to write a lapse letter for the additional info requested, and it was marked as received. (I took a gap year so I graduated in May of this year, 2022). Has anyone else had to do this? Also, anyone else that has had to send in a lapse letter, or submit additional after application review, how long did it take to receive a decision after the additional information was submitted?

I was accepted to Alabama in early September, and I’m really leaning towards going. I’m still waiting to hear about Blount, but got into the Honors College and just love the school. Would it make sense to pay the housing deposit, or is that a binding commitment? Also- can you pay housing deposits at different schools just to secure a dorm?

Yes and yes. As long it is just the housing deposit.

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Is anyone else visiting Alabama for the Capstone scholars weekend? It is mid-Jan. It will be our official visit to check out the school. Does anyone know what the programming might look like and whether there will be opportunities for a tour?

How do you just pay the housing deposit? In all of our emails, it says we have to pay the enrollment first. We are waiting to hear about UFE and some other scholarships elsewhere and for a trip down to visit, but I am utterly baffled by this housing thing. Does it work to just click on pay housing deposit tab and ignore the instructions?