University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

I believe you have to pay both? At least that is what I gathered?

Thatā€™s what I gathered too, but people keep saying you can only pay housing to keep from paying an enrollment deposit when you have other applications still pending at other schools. (Ethics issues) I thought maybe there was a backdoor they were using to skip the enrollment deposit online. Weā€™ll just keep waiting to closer to the Feb 1 deadline and decide what to do, but I doubt he will have made a final choice.

i too think you need to pay for both. the admissions deposit is refundable; so if you change your mind, no problem. Housing is not from what i gather.

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You can only pay one commitment deposit, which is fine as long as you donā€™t commit to another school. If you do decide to, you can withdraw the deposit from the committed school (you lose it) and then commit to the next. Just depends where Alabama is on your list.

My guess is the request that you pay both acts as an enrollment predictor for the school, vs the smaller housing deposit.

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Can someone please share when and how their NMSF received scholarship information? Was it part of the acceptance letter or sent separately at a later date? My NMSF was accepted about a week ago but had not heard anything yet regarding scholarships. TIA.

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We received the official scholarship package 2 weeks after the acceptance letter came in the US mail, which was around 2.5 weeks after the acceptance email.

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We never received the scholarship info for NMSF. I wonder if it needs to be listed as first choice school?

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For NMF scholarship, you kid most be named a finalist first. That doesnā€™t happen until March. Then you have to name Alabama as your first choice school. Thereā€™s a website at the university with instructions and information.


Great reminder. Thanks!

Thank you, this is helpful to hear :pray:

Do you know if automatic freshmen merit scholarships are good only for a first year or for every year of study if you maintain good academic performance?

If you maintain the requisite GPA, the scholarships are good for four years (unless NMF, which is five).

Thanks thatā€™s helpful. Is there a minimum GPA or annual merit is based on the chart?

Same here. The scholarship will be upgraded to National Merit Finalist after you email proof of finalist status to and list Alabama as the college of choice with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation before May 1, 2023

Please refer to the University of Alabama scholarship information page.

You have to pay $200 enrollment which is non-refundable. After that you pay the $175 for housing and I think $140 of that is refundable. From what I am gathering, this allows one to participate in live room selection in May. But I could be wrong on the last part.

If an applicant is offered auto merit based on their SAT, are they eligible to be offered a higher level of merit if they take the SAT again and score higher? Do they use superscore for the auto merit?

they are good for four years; generally speaking. your kid has to have a certain GPA from classes taken at Bama to maintain the scholly (not out of state transferred in classes); (3.0 I think); and your kid can only take a certain number of credit hours per semester (itā€™s a normal range; like 12-16; double check). All the details and fine print are on the website. Summer school is not included in the schollys. Yes, there are rules, and on the bama parents FB pages every year there are kids who have issues with grades/etc and canā€™t come back after loosing their scholarships. But Iā€™m guessing most schools has rules about that with their schollys. Bama is generous for sure; but the school does stand by its fair policies.

(eg: out of state kid wants to take 18 hours . . . your kid would pay an out of state tuition rate for credit hours above bamaā€™s scholarshipā€™s max per semester).

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no superscoring. i think a kid can take another test through january/february and have that count. Just a parent here - youā€™ll have to verify. Sounds like May 1 is the final date for all paperwork for scholarships - so going backwards a kid has to have test scores available before then. PLEASE DOUBLE check this; thatā€™s just what iā€™m gathering!