University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

Thank you!

(eg: out of state kid wants to take 18 hours . . . your kid would pay an out of state tuition rate for credit hours above bama’s scholarship’s max per semester).

Is this still true? I saw this on their FAQ page which led me to believe the scholarship would cover tuition fully no matter how many classes you took.

Will a tuition scholarship adjust if I take more or less than full time hours?

The scholarship will automatically adjust to the tuition charge if the charge is more or less than a full-time course load.

It depends. If it is a tuition scholarship, any number of credits is covered. My son is signed up for 18 in the spring with no additional charge…he has a tuition scholarship. But if you have a $28,000/year scholarship those extra credits are charged at the oos rate.


Not true. I have a current Soph at UA. This past semester she took 18 hours and we got stuck with a bill for the overage. Maybe NMSF is different but the other levels of auto merit work this way. Also, she is doing Winter Interim class right now and it’s full tuition for that by credit hour - OOS rate. Ouch. However, she will graduate in 3 years with BA and can use the 4th year of her scholarship for her Create to MBA final year. So she gets a BA and an MBA in 4 years with some summers. Still a fabulous deal you won’t find other places!


good point; my kid doesnt have full tuition but rather the presidential. good catch


yes- good catch! my kid is not on that scholarship; well done to your kiddo.

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No superscoring. The Feb 2022 ACT date is the last one they will accept. Just FYI, U of Tenn accepts SAT/ACT scores through May for merit.

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Is her path (BA/MBA) part of the Stem accelerated MBA program? This is a very appealing plan for my D who will be a freshman in '23. Thank you!

Yes. She is in the Honors College and they offer both the CREATE Path to MBA and the STEM Path to MBA. She is in the CREATE group as she is a PR major. It was what sold her on Bama vs. other acceptances and scholarships she had.

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Is there a place they need to go in their portal to accept their automatic merit scholarship? Hopefully, his offer will be replaced by the NMF package once they are announced in February.

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LawyerMom15- My D2023 current plan is UA/Honors, CE undergrad with STEM to MBA. She plans on taking advantage of summer internships for work experience/travel. Then she hopes to attend a T14 Law school. (Assuming she aces LSAT and graduates with a solid GPA) Is there any obvious problems you see with her plans? We are expecting the high GPA/LSAT thing to still be in vogue in 5 years. We have also had discussions about Cyber security.

That is very similar to my daughter’s plan. She did study abroad last summer for 6 weeks because with her accelerated path, she will be doing courses for the Create to MBA program the next 2 summers. She also plans to attend law school and will be starting to prep for the LSAT this coming semester. UA has a great pre-law advising office and she should take advantage of declaring that and using those resources. I believe they can apply to UA without having to take the LSAT. She will still be taking it though as she wants to apply to other schools and see what is out there. My daughter’s roommate and best friend is a CE major with STEM to MBA as well. She is doing the 4+1 path though. She should sit down with Degree Works and her advisor and plot it out, but with credits coming in, it is very workable. My daughter actually reached out and spoke to professors in the Create/Stem to MBA program before she accepted so that she was reassured it was possible. They were helpful and willing to talk to her by email and Zoom.


The STEM to MBA plan sounds very enticing and a no-brainer for anyone who eventually wants to pursue MBA. I want to encourage my kid to look into it. I do have a genuine question though. How much weight or value does an accelerated MBA, done with Bachelors, with no work experience provide the student? Also, if someone were to pursue a 2 yrs Master of Science in addition to it, will the MBA continue to hold and add value to the student resume when they enter workforce?

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Thanks tons!

oohhh! we asked a similar question while we were there. Here’s what one person said on why do STEM to MBA while in college. One of the biggest reasons: the MBA has so much math, analytics, statistics in it; and they find kids who are still in that college math zone do much better in those classes than those who are removed from college for several years.

Thank you! that makes sense

Does anyone know if UA has an Admitted Students Day or Days during the Spring semester?

There are several going into August. I believe they are posted sometime in Jan for registration.

Is anyone going/been previously to the Capstone Scholars Day in Jan? What can we expect and would it include a tour of the campus/facilities? We have signed up to go but wondering if it is worth the money since my son has not fully committed to Alabama (sigh!) .


Thank you!