University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

My brother graduated with an accelerated Masters last year. He played D3 college baseball and stayed on for the Masters to squeak out a last year of glory due to a lost season from Covid :slight_smile: He would not have done it otherwise. Was it the right move? Probably. He started with a salary $10k higher at his firm than Bachelor graduates from the same school. He also got a decent signing bonus due to the Masters and was put on a leadership track. He lost a year of salary by staying in school and that will take a few years to make up, but ultimately, it gave him a huge head start in his firm over his peers.


Thank you for sharing, very helpful to hear

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We are OOS (GA) and are planning to attend the Capstone Scholars Day. I do believe there was time in the afternoon for optional tours of the dorms and other facilities. I am hoping it helps my daughter make a decision!

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My daughter and I are going to Capstone Scholars Day. We are coming in on Friday from NJ and doing some meetings and tours on Friday afternoon. My daughter received a full tuition scholarship and is seriously considering committing. Hopefully, the weekend activities will help her make a decision. We are going to a UA basketball game as well. Really looking forward to it actually. I don’t think it’s a waste of time/money.


My daughter received an email today notifying her of an offer for one of the competitive scholarships! Anyone else?


D23 was notified she was “rolled” forward but I know she hasn’t done anything extra to apply for more. Did your daughter fill out an additional application?


We also got the “rolled forward” email. I took a look at the additional scholarships and there were none my kid qualified for, so he didn’t do anything additional either

I think it’s the competitive admissions scholarships based off the initial application Out-of-State Freshman Scholarships – Scholarships | The University of Alabama (

I also got the rolled forward email, but I’m confused why as I already received the College Board recognition scholarship, which isn’t stackable with competitive scholarships.

Got the rolled email also

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So in order to qualify for the scholarships they had to submit test scores? My daughter went test optional. I didn’t realize it would would impact the scholarships. Does it state that on the application?

For these competitive ones, yes they did. At least, for the one that I thought my kid would possibly qualify for, yes, a test score was required.

For the general merit scholarships that are on the main merit scholarship page, no, you can apply TO.
Main page:


The way I read it, Alabama will award the highest merit $ of all of the eligible scholarships. The National Recognition Scholarship is likely the highest $ award.

My daughter got the same “roll forward” email. Likely not going to get any additional merit aid above her current National Recognition Scholar award.


Extra scholarships – depends. College of Engineering Honors based on GPA/scores is $2500 on top of the National Recognition Package and is stackable based on what I have been told/read. However, can’t exceed COA.

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I got the rolled forward email as well. Does this affect your chances of scholarships?

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fergie - congrats on a competitive scholarship offer! question for you - did your daughter already receive merit based on test scores/gpa? was this in addition to that; or your first offer? thanks

also: d23 got the rolled forward email too. At first i was like “YAY! she’s moving forward!” then after reading something like “dont be discouraged” . . . . I realized that moving forward wasn’t necessarily the best thing. Still a little confused on this all as she has auto merit already. This must be for departmental scholarships or the two she qualified for on that list?

Hi all. I didn’t know that “rolling forward” was a thing but now feeling even more grateful that she received this scholarship. She did NOT qualify for any automatic merit scholarships because her ACT was only a 25. I have been checking in this discussion thread for the last week because we were anxious to find out if she was going to get anything. She said she put down EVERY activity, job and volunteer activity she has been involved in at high school. She received $15,000 per year. She did submit her test scores.


Those that are chasing merit and applying RD, it is ok to apply test optional and then send in scores later if they are good (Feb is last test date they will accept). However, you cannot go the other way around.
The advise we got from AO was apply TO and then send in scores if they are good/auto merit level.
Hope this helps!

I want to follow up on this. Think through how merit aid works. The University has a finite amount of merit aid. It commits to provide students who submit test scores that meet certain standards defined merit aid. What is left is for competitive merit aid. It can be quite competitive. If in doubt, take the test. You don’t have to submit it. But, you should try.

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My understanding is that if you are National Merit or National Recognition awardee then you can apply as late as May 1 and are guaranteed merit. For all others, the sooner you apply the better off you will be.
I agree with your assessment about competitive scholarships.
This is more a PSA, my son has been admitted with merit.

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