University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

The recruiter told us they would schedule her a VIP visit complete with golf cart tour of her various interests by Capstone men and women . The Scholars day would be more preferential because she could tour with like minded scholars. We have visited once one on one with the Honors representative. I imagine we will have to have another visit when the weather is warmer. :wink:

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No he has no worries. Just wait for the NMF/Scholar designation and list UA as his first choice. There aren’t really any other scholarships from UA for him except Honors scholarships he could apply for when the time comes. He can stack any outside scholarships though. My daughter has the Presidential Elite in her portal. But that will be replaced with NMF in March or so. Apparently, honors has lots of $ that goes unclaimed. Some are for travel and others have no stipulations for their use.

That makes sense. Thanks for the reply. Bama makes it so easy. Not all of the smoke and mirrors that most other schools have.

Where in the portal are the scholarships listed? S23 has the rural scholar deal. They have sent a snail mail letter confirming, but I have no idea how to find it on the portal. Any advice would be much appreciated. And we will see about a VIP tour later in the spring, too. Thanks!

We did a generic tour in April, no knowledge at the time about VIP tours or anything but just inputting his interests got us an individual tour of engineering, lunch with an honors student ambassador and an individual tour with a Blount student. Alabama rolls out the red carpet for even regular tours so I wouldn’t worry about missing Capstone scholars day.

You are correct. We just checked her portal. The PE scholarship came by snail-mail. The portal only lists, in the email section, notices of supplemental scholarships to apply for. However, if one is NMF the supplemental scholarships are not stackable. There are various Honors scholarships one can apply for and stack once those open later in 2023. And again, outside scholarships do stack.
During a visit with the Honors representative, she offered that every Engineering student receives a $2500 yearly stipend, although, at the time I knew this was incorrect. While true for all other students, it is not offered to anyone with the NMF package as they are excluded

I asked the Honors student we met with, about the meal plans. The UA NMF package has a stipend but no funds for a meal plan. The UA literature I read says you must have a meal plan. My previous 2 scholarship kids at other universities skipped out on any meal plan and saved their scholarship money for pay as you go. Meals end up cheaper and the money is a better spent elsewhere.
She insisted that she lived on campus all four years and never had a meal plan. She also believed in pay as you go. We shall see.

They are required to have a meal plan. My son went down to Silver so he could do a mix of on and off campus and cooking for himself. They also require $350 in dining dollars every semester. Those are refundable though.

They do change rules at times so maybe there were years with no plan required. But this year it definitely is. Also you can change during the year but only to go more expensive. So start at silver and see how it goes.

My son uses his air fryer quite a bit, especially after late football games when he’s starving, tired and everything on campus is closed. I’d totally recommend one!

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Bama just moved some families off of the waitlist for Capstone Scholars Day! Be sure to have your student check their email to see if their registration for Capstone Scholars Day has been moved from the waitlist to registered.

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Keep checking! There is always the chance people cancel, so all is not lost.

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Our son arranged a private tour of the campus last fall. It was the best experience! Because it was more one on one he was able to meet individually with a few professors, students, and faculty. So if the scheduled days are full I would highly recommend speaking with your UA rep and scheduling a tour. Also, if there is a particular professor you might be able to meet with them if you ask.


We were moved off the waitlist to registered for the Capstone Scholars Day. The 3 admitted scholars’ days (Admitted Tide Days) are not even accepting waitlist registrations, so only those already on the waitlist for Admitted Tide Days may be moved to registered for those days–if there ever was a waitlist for those events
I’m assuming there probably is a waitlist for those as well.) So, if you’re on a waitlist for either Capstone Scholars Day or Admitted Tide Days, you’ve got a chance.

Is there more than one Capstone Scholars Day? We got the invite to the January one, but if there is another, I’d love to know the date. Thanks!

In case someone is reading this later, currently engineering scholarship is not for all students, rather ACT: 30-36 composite score SAT: 1360-1600 score on redesigned exam and 3.5 cumulative GPA.


After our visit with the Honors representative. I had a list of five things that were inaccurate. I realize she felt they were true from her perspective. But I had to show my daughter the inaccuracies corrected on the UA website that were not applicable to all students. They are too scary to list. :sweat_smile:

What were the inaccuracies?

Did your child get an email with this information? We are headed too but so far no info on what to expect. This is very helpful!

Not sure exactly where I found the schedule for Capstone Scholars Day or if it’s preliminary or final
I think it was originally emailed to a friend that is also attending. Hope it’s accurate.

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When are you notified of this scholarship award? My son qualifies but we have not received anything yet. We were told awards come out in Feb with a consolidated financial aid statement becoming available in March. Is that accurate?

Please share what inaccuracies you are referring to. Thanks.