University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

I haven’t heard of another Capstone Scholars Day yet. However, there is an Our Bama Day coming up on February 20. According to the university, Our Bama is an Admitted Tide Day through a multicultural lens.

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Sorry. I’d emailed last week about the Admitted Tide Days, and I was given the impression that there is NOT a waiting list. I was told they had just opened up some more slots and at that time, we were able to register. I was also told to keep checking if I couldn’t get a spot, because people cancel and open up those spaces. No waitlist.

Thanks for sharing this new information. It’ll help others looking to get in on an Admitted Tide Day.

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when our S20 was going through admissions (and he was a high stats kid) - i really enjoyed going over every little detail from all the schools (all auto merit). And, i will say most schools had some inaccuracies with small details that took time to figure out. Even now with our D23 looking at Bama - i am very hesitant about one small very niche scholarship she qualifies for and potential inaccuracies on it. I’ve emailed another university about two conflicting statements on their website; and yet have escalated a question to admissions at a third university as I just felt the person i was talking to on the phone DID NOT KNOW. For you, I hope they are not big issues for your kid that might become even bigger issues later on. :crossed_fingers:t3:

My son handled all of his applications and scholarships and it was a couple years ago so my memory is foggy, but I’m pretty sure we didn’t get most of our financial info from schools until Feb/March— which felt like forever…

I have found that the information on the UA website is very good. I have also found over the years that College Confidential is an excellent source of info.
But I tell my kids that hourly employees that work for the state University systems can be poor sources of information.
In addition, a student as reference may be a poor source of information (while working on campus) unless they fit the same criteria as your student. A student who has several scholarships based on need is not the same as a student who has theirs based on merit. Different rules apply.
For example, a high stat auto admit Honors kid might say “don’t worry about the honors essay it’s not important”. But for a lower stat student the essay might be the 100% determination factor.
As far as inaccuracies I wouldn’t worry too much. It just takes a little more due diligence.
I am very grateful for UA’s NM package so I don’t want to appear ungrateful.
But when I was told everyone in Engineering gets the $2500, I countered with “are you sure” as I was sure that wasn’t the case. The student rep was sure. An extra $2500 X 4 years is a bit of a game changer. ($10,000)
When we walked outside of the building, I brought up the schools website and showed my daughter where it stated that in fact NMF do not receive the $2500. Also another has pointed out the stat criteria applies.
UA literature says a meal plan is required. I decided that the silver was the way to go. The rep was so very convincing it wasn’t mandatory, that I am still wondering if there is some kind of work around. LOL.
In issues of finances it is wise to check and recheck.
UA is very generous with scholarships.
I don’t feel that I should disparage them over the claims of one student rep.

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You have to have a meal plan (even those that rush have a meal plan, though it is dropped to the lowest possible meal plan on the assumption that you eat at the house).

and with the engineering scholarship - it’s a 30 ACT for engineering scholarship (so not everyone!). It is wise to check, and recheck for sure. :slight_smile:

Big trip to Alabama coming up this weekend. We got the schedule yesterday by email. Pretty much what @njparent72 posted here, which goes to show how awesome this community and you all are! I will post an update once I am back next week.

Never in a 100 years I thought my kid would be even nominally interested in Alabama but here we are!!


Ditto about “never in 100 years but here we are”…Bama was never on my daughter’s radar, but it’s pretty hard to pass up what is being offered here both in terms of merit aid and unique programs within the Honors College. Great student life overall. We’re looking forward to going…hope to meet many of you there!


Okay, we are in. Woot Woot! I will be there bright and early with one 5’ft" female and a 10 grade male. Make sure you say hi!!! Look for the old bald guy! :slight_smile:

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5ft 4"

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Double ditto that. My S23 was mostly looking at LACs in PA and Ohio when we started this process (we live in PA), but I encouraged him to apply to Bama because of the scholarship opportunities. After he was accepted and received the scholarship letters we went to visit over two days in early December. Now he’s wearing his Bama hoodie to school regularly and it’s looking like the frontrunner heading into the home stretch. UA had that effect on all of us. If you’ve never visited before, you’re in for a treat.


6’5 dark-haired (gracefully balding) dad with his 5’9 blonde-haired daughter…will be glad to meet anyone on this thread who is headed down this weekend.

Never having been to alabama before, we fit a visit in to bama in the first week of March 2020, without having any idea what was going to hit us all about a week and a half later. It was sunny, grass was greenish; kids were outside playing frisbee; campus was gorgeous and our tours were good. He was hooked coming from the midwest where it was cold and brown and the same-old. Now with D23, she had an amazing time at her fall visit and she too wears her bama sweatshirt everywhere; although its not completely decided yet. There are so many good options.

**and to all who are touring coming up - Listen for the southern accents. I heard lots in the adults on campus; but none in the kids. the students are from EVERYWHERE. Thought that was interesting; would love to hear what you hear.


Did anyone/anyone’s children get the email to move on as a semifinalist in the University Fellows Experience competition? Curious about when they were emailed out or if any of you have older students who underwent the competition.
PS- The housing portal has been down for a few days. We finally bit the bullet to pay the non-refundable $200 enrollment deposit even though we are undecided just so that we could do the housing application before Feb 1, and it has been down for days. SO frustrating.

I was moved off the waitlist as well. They said there were some available spots when I asked. On that note- does anyone know if there is a specific dress code for the Capstone Scholars Day? Or is it just regular/casual

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“Neat casual” is probably the right strategy. It’s a full-day event with UA staff and students who will be dressed well for the occasion.

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I am always over dressed for these things so I’ve decided I am going comfortable casual with jeans and nice polo. At least at this writing. How many on this thread are attending. 4?

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Yesterday was the start of the housing application for returning students. It quickly went down right at 9am. Frustrating for sure. Hopefully they get it back up soon.

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