University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2024 Admission

Does anyone know when the decisions come out for OOS students? Was that announced yet?

In his blog he said mid-late December


Since itā€™s almost the exact same amount of applicants as last year with amost identical stats, it probably means 3-3.5k OOS applicants will be accepted for EA out of 15.5k who applied. So 20-25% Iā€™m guessing.


As we await the instate EA decisions, note that David Graves, the Director of Undergraduate Admissions, is actively answering questions on his 11/1 post.

Some of his answers are reasonably specific about the process (those deemed to be in the bottom 10% academically are likely denied; those above, but not at the top, likely deferred until more info is received).


For example:
ā€œ If you are asking if UGA makes a decision on an applicant based on if we think they will enroll or not, then the answer is absolutely not. We do not base any decisions on a studentā€™s demonstrated interest or whether we think they will enroll at UGA.ā€


ā€œWhen UGA makes EA decisions (both in-state and oos), we will make a mixture of both academic admits and holistic admits. There will be a small group of applicants who are at the very top academically that we will admit based on that data, and then read their files holistically for scholarship purposes. There will also be a group of students who academically are very strong (just below the first group) who we will review everything in their file, academic and otherwise, to make the admission decisions. Just below that is a group of students who are strong academically where we will wait to read their entire file to see if we receive new information (fall grades, new scores, personal updates) until a little later. Lastly, there will be a group of students who, in comparison to the overall group, are not academically competitive and we will deny them.

In other words, we will read a lot of files for admission decisions, but not every file, and it is driven by their academic information. As well, we also know that we will receive roughly 20,000+ RD applicants, and we need to be cautious in our admits due to not knowing what these applicants are like academically and personally."

Hope this extra info is helpful!


Good luck to all the in-state applicants as you hear results this Friday at 4pm! OOS here and anxiously awaiting mid-December!!



Thank you for sharing. Best of luck to all the in-state and OOS applicants. :heart: :black_heart:

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So, some interesting ā€œback of the envelopeā€ math:

  • In state EA applications are up 8% YOY.
  • In state EA admits appear to be up appoximately 6% YOY.
  • In state EA admission rate is around 45%.
  • Graves stated that the Middle 50% ranges for in-state students is comperable to last year.

When you factor all of that in, it would suggest that it will be even more difficult for out-of-staters to gain admission to UGA in the EA round this admissions cycle, unless UGA plans on expanding the Class of 2027 beyond that of 2026.

Best of luck to all. Fingers crossed for my S24 at 4pm today!

Letā€™s hope they donā€™t expand the class. There isnā€™t enough housing as it is.

UGA donā€™t make a mess of things like other schools and admit more people than you have room for!!


Are the decisions out?

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My daughter got in! Stats SAT 1360, 4.18 weighted GPA.



4.075 UGA GPA
(3.7UW/4.2W on transcript)
36 ACT
(35 on Math and English sections)
11 AP

We didnā€™t know how the below 25%ile for GPA and above 75%ile for score would work out. His worst year was 10th grade and he showed improvement in 11th, but we figured theyā€™d want to see fall grades to confirm. No Cs. Rigor is high. We were expecting a deferral.

Interestingly, a friend with similar stats, better ECs, but had multiple Cs also got accepted. We had the impression Cs meant near certain denial but maybe something is different for this cohort of kids who started high school during Covid.

(Updated with more specific stats.)


DS admittedā€¦ 1490 SAT, donā€™t know the UGA GPA offhand, but he has a 4.0 UW with 13 AP/DE classes


Daughter got in. SAT: 1460; GPA: 4.30 W. 14 APā€™s
Decent ECā€™s.
Also received a $2,000/year scholarship to be combined with Zell.


Congrats! Do you know her unweighted GPA or UGA core gpa?

D24 accepted. UGA GPA of 4.1, ACT 33 (34 if only Math and English), 9 APs and strong ECs with leadership.
Go Dawgs!


Iā€™m not sure, but will try and find out.

My son got in. City of Atlanta high school. 4.4 UGA GPA, 33.5 UGA ACT (35 for every other college lol), 14 APs.

His friend who had same GPA and APs, but a 34.5 UGA ACT, got the $2k scholarship.


My son got in! 4.4 adjusted gpa and 35 ACT. He was accepted as an engineering major and into the Honors College.