University of Miami Class of 2019 accepted students


Congratulations to your Son for getting accepted in HPME program. What were his stats and Answers to your questions below.

  1. I think he need to choose what interest him more, like Chemistry, or Biology or Nuero or Marine bio or even Music . I think Engineering Majors might be more competitive.
  2. I think its Achievable.
  3. Don’t think so its known for Grade Deflation
  4. Normally a class of 65 students ~10-12 students gets an A. But every Class and every Instructor is different and their will be Exceptions on both sides of the Grades. Work Hard, Don’t miss Classes and stay on top of everything…

I am sure he will Enjoy UM HPME program… Its a Ticket into the World of Medicine.

Thank you. PMd you the stats. Confused on the statement “Don’t think so its known for Grade Deflation”. U mean UM is known for Deflation?

^^ I mean to Say they dont bring down students grades like some other Schools I know off like John Hopkins, and few of the IVYs like UPENN and Harvard do to pre-Med students…

Thank you @dadfor2014 .

Want to see whether we are the ones who has this issue OR others also got a similar UM FinAid offer.

Last week, my S got the FinAid letter (& a copy in email) that shows his $26K President’s Scholarship under the header “Grants and scholarships from your school”, and a small work study/loan options. We couldn’t find ANY need based grant money at all!!!

If we run the College Board NPC from UM website, My S should be getting a lot of grant money. UM FinAid offer seems completely incorrect. We sent an email to UM asking for clarification. Not sure when or whether they will respond!!!

Congrats to everyone!

Looking for help. S is going to Miami in the fall. Today is the deadline for him to accept the work study/loan part of his financial package. We don’t think he will need them but are wondering if he can accept them just to be on the safe side.