University of Miami Class of 2024

If you look back on the u miami admissions instagram page, they posted last year when ED decisions went live (December 14th- friday). Have your child follow the university of miami admissions instagram page.

Right ā€¦ however in past years UM hasnā€™t posted or released a date prior to their decision date. Given itā€™s usually a Friday, it seems like this Friday the 13th will be it

who else is dying from nervousness? ik i am for that decision next week agh

Chance me
GPA UW 3.73
5 AP
SAT 1130
Class President, President of Best Buddies, many more, charity work, captain of lax, won awards in state house, in DECA won international and state awards
Reccomendation- principal and really good one from teacher
Applied to business school
first generation
I know my SAT is low but do I have a chance EA

Chance Me : Applied ED
GPA: 3.69 W
4 AP, Several Honors
ACT 29 (super score) 28 composite
Senior Peer Leader
4 years varsity lacrosse, 2 year captain
2 years varsity soccer
Club Lacrosse
Italian Club
Volunteer coaching for youth program

My son auditioned Dec 7th as well. He applied for the M.A.D.E. program. His instrument is contemporary voice too.

Has anyone called the admissions office and asked about the ED date? I know they never gave a date in past years ā€¦ Hoping for 12/13!

What are my chances getting into Miami ED if Im the only one from my school who ED and I have a 3.6 GPA unweighted and a 32?
I have a lot of extracurriculars and charity work, also.

Just called and all they said was before Christmas

Thatā€™s apparently the response the admissions office always gives. Great sign is my application status disappeared on the Mobile cane link portal (not the full site). This has happened the past 3 years a few days before the ED notifications are sent out. Looking more likely for Friday.

@AZBZC1234 i noticed that today too but wasnā€™t sure if it meant anything.

@ Jan1964- For my son, he was impressed with the academic profile as well as the way they have kids try different classes outside of their major- I cant remember the exact term for it. It was the first school we visited that made him remark how impressed he was with their academic presentation. He would prefer to go to a large university, but the size isnt a deterrent for him(medium sized). He prefers to be in a large metro area so there is that of course. Other than that, if you visit, the campus will speak for itself.

For my son, he was impressed with the academic profile as well as the way they have kids try different classes outside of their major- I cant remember the exact term for it. It was the first school we visited that made him remark how impressed he was with their academic presentation. He would prefer to go to a large university, but the size isnt a deterrent for him(medium sized). He prefers to be in a large metro area so there is that of course. Other than that, if you visit, the campus will speak for itself.

Are EA and ED release dates the same?

Can someone chance me for ED2? I know my odds are slim but are they impossible? Be brutally honest (not the end of the world if I donā€™t get in I have been accepted to some schools I know I would be happy at): I have 92 w, 89 UW GPA (school only reports weighted) full IB diploma candidate, captain of soccer and lacrosse, lifeguard, white female (if that matters). I have an 1190 SAT, not the best but hopefully will improve bc I took the December test and actually studied for it a lot. I have a very strong essay I think. Do you think the sat will kill it for me?

We received an email tonight that EA decision will be posted on applicant status page on Sunday Dec 15th at 12 a.m. EST. No decisions will be provided via phone or email until Monday, Dec 16th.

I think you meant ED for decision on 12/15, EA isnā€™t until end of January.

wait i didnā€™t get any email??

I did not get this email eitherā€¦

I did not get the email