University of Miami Class of 2024

Chance me:
SAT: 1410
GPA: 93.68
4 APs, 2 Honors, physics and calculus
3 season varsity athlete (captain for soccer)
Elected member of the PTSA student board, Athletic council board and a club that helps gather community service opportunities for the student body at my HS
Also have work experience as a lifeguard, and a basketball referee for my youth community league
Have also been involved in other various clubs and have written for my school newspaper all 4 years of HS

so what are we thinking? tomorrow?

I really hope itā€™s tomorrow I donā€™t think I can wait any longerā€¦

good luck everyone. sending out good vibes all around

do we think its tomorrow?? the fact that we donā€™t know what day its coming out is KILLING me

i am really not sure.

Yes, most likely tomorrow. Good luck everyone!

Can someone chance me?
Applied EA
I am international so we do not send test scores besides the toefl.
Got a 109/120 on TOEFL
My school doesnā€™t calculate GPA, but Iā€™m a full IB student with 7, 7, 7, 6, 5, 5 predicted grades.
Three-year varsity athlete and former competitor in Karate competitions for 10 years.
School proctor, service-learning leader, leader of the Portuguese speakers club in my school, and other activities.

If it comes out today

  1. Do we think its going to be 3pm or 5pm (what was it last year?)
  2. Will they send an email or will it just be on the website?

Last year someone posted they received their letter a little after 4:00. Typically itā€™s around when the admissions office closes (5:00). Most likely between 4-6:00 this afternoon!

so is it coming out today or not. can someone call and ask if itā€™s today

you dont have a phone?

I called yesterday I donā€™t want to again lol

Itā€™s not worth calling, they most likely wonā€™t tell you if itā€™s today.

Is the general consensus that it is coming out today? If itā€™s based off last year it should beā€¦

I just called and the office said ā€œmid to late Decemberā€ and to ā€œkeep monitoring my canelinkā€

ā€œKeep monitoring canelinkā€ is convincing, but remember, they havenā€™t said it would be that day even on the day itā€™s come out.

Last year, ED decisions came out between 4-5pm Eastern time. So IF theyā€™re coming out today, it should be 4-5 eastern, 3-4 central, 2-3 mountain, and 1-2 pacific. For international applicants or non-contiguous US applicants, convert from US Eastern time (New York).

Please do not call the admissions office to ask when decisions are coming out. You will not get an answer. They might still be making decisions, so your call will slow the process down for everyone.

While I know getting accepted is exciting and you want to share your joy on this thread, please keep in mind that some of us may not get accepted. Please be considerate when commenting if you get accepted. Good luck, everybody.

When does ED come out?

we arenā€™t sure