University of Miami Class of 2024

Looking at previous threads- they released most decisions from like 3:30ish on. Of course, there were exceptions- like some getting decisions in the morning, but for the most part, it was later. And who knows! It could be tomorrow! Crossing my fingers :-)!

I have no admission tab or green dots. Does anyone know how long the green dots started showing up on people portals before admissions decisions were out?

Typically in the past when people started the green circle watch that meant decisions were coming. And the green circles by and large were rejections or waitlisted/deferred. I have several friends who had them. One rejected outright. One was a Frost applicant with very high academics who was waitlisted for college of arts and sciences but didnā€™t get into Frost for the desired music major.

One or two people last year said they had green circles and were admitted but Iā€™m not sure I believe it. We panicked when our one friend had the green circle for a day or so and my daughter had no changes. Then her portal changed to a green check mark saying admitted.

I donā€™t mean to be a Debbie downer for any of you. Hoping for the best for everyone. Just wanted to share our information from past history. Hope you all get the news you hope for tomorrow! And FYI Miami is great but if you donā€™t end up there youā€™ll end up wherever youā€™re meant to be. My daughter ended up at another school and is very happy with her choice!

I have a green dot under the admissions tab in my student portal:( there goes my dream school.

Let me check if I have it

I donā€™t see an admissions tab anywhere, only under self-service, then student admission and then application status and there is no green dot

Mines under personal information in the student center. You must be lucky.

I finally found the admissions tab but it was under self service, thereā€™s no green dot

I donā€™t see anything, but there is a message saying : You have outstanding charges due on your account. Please click on the link below" but I see no link? Now im scared

Does anyone else have that? Please let me know!

Mine says ā€œ you may have outstanding charges on your accountā€ but I donā€™t have a link either. This is under the finances tab so I think it is actually for when u get accepted and u have to pay fees like for orientation, your housing deposit, etcā€¦ they use the cane link for all of that also not just admissions, I wouldnā€™t worry :slight_smile:

Oh okay. Im curious if everyone has that or only the people that will be admitted.

Because I didnā€™t have that message before

Should we be expecting a decision tomorrow?

The office will probs be open tomorrow, if ur really worried about it, u should call them to find out, but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s nothing to worry about! :slight_smile: Iā€™ve had that statement ever since I applied back in January so I donā€™t think it means anything bad

Idk about tomorrow, but I think we will definitely hear before April 1st, Iā€™m thinking sometime this week Monday- Friday we will hear!

It just seemed like a quick turn around between when green dots were showing up and then when they released last year

I also just found my application through the self service drop down and my application doesnā€™t have a green dot. I feel like they may be releasing tomorrow.

I applied to 30 schools this year and the only 2 I havenā€™t heard back from are umiami and usc, usc is suppose to come out the 26th, and the latest schools are suppose to release decisions is April 1, Iā€™m assuming itā€™ll be very soon, Iā€™m praying for tomorrow !!

I think we all our bud @lovey8888