University of Miami Class of 2024

Idk my admissions letter said “by mid-April”, maybe they r coming out at the same time? I’m probably going to call Thursday if I don’t hear anything by Wednesday.

My son got the call last night. They asked him to discuss with his family and call them back ASAP with a response. He tried returning the calling within 1 hour and has been calling every hour all day long - no answer. He also emailed 2 of the admission counselors. He is ready to accept if he can reach someone. Has anyone else had this issue?

Do you mind sharing his stats / major ? :slight_smile:

what happens if they can’t get to you by phone call?

applied RD
3.3 GPA
1520 SAT
decent EC’s
solid recs and essays
From MA

At this point, I’m wondering if it was a hoax. 24 hours later and they still don’t answer.

My daughter received her packet in the mail on 4/13 with admissions and scholarship information. She was deferred EA accepted RD.
Thrilled with a Canes scholarship, she be accepting!
Biomedical engineering major, Spanish minor.
4.5 W GPA, 3.96 UW GPA, many EC’s most with leadership roles, study abroad, 8 AP’S 4 ACP’s, captain of high school competition dance team, top 4% in a graduating class of 650.

EA deferred accepted on waitlist
got a call just now accepting me on waitlist telling me to talk to my family before officially accepting it
29 ACT
lots of ec and community service (150+)
3.75 UW 4.25 W GPA

I called this morning, the admissions officer said that they will start notifying people by the end of the week about FA.

Today, on my portal, it showed the documents the school received. That wasn’t previously there. I think they are in the process of processing the aid.

My son got a call this morning offering acceptance from the waitlist. They said the portal would update in 24-48 hours. Has anyone accepted from WL had their portals change? Will he also receive a packet in the mail?

Congrats!! Would you mind sharing stats?

My son got the call Monday night. Someone called him again on Wed morning and again on Wed night to confirm that he would definitely accept if they send him the offer. He has said yes since the first call so that’s been pretty weird. He rcvd the update to his portal last night so it took 24 hours. No email notification.

congrats!! Did he send a LOCI

Yes, he sent a letter saying that he would definitely accept.

Just accepted off the waitlist via phone call! I did have a green dot. I applied RD then was deferred to RD then waitlisted! So glad to be off of it now!
3.5 uw gpa
35 act
Out of date from Maryland! Go Canes!!!

Congrats!! What did you do to try to get off? I’m trying to get off it too!!

The only thing I did was send in my updated resume since I did an internship through my school. I’m rooting for you! Good luck!!!

My son was accepted off the wait list last week. 1310 SAT, 3.65 weighted GPA. From NJ.

Any international students admitted off the wait list?

Ive been reading that they are calling. Are they only calling or do you also gt info through canelink?